Resolve "Simple safe tool for EOS NS injection": Improve test and documentation
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3@@ -11,4 +11,17 @@ where the json file is a text file with one json object for each line, example:
The tool must be run from the frontend as it needs access to both eos and the catalogue. This means that and ```cta-cli.conf``` and a ```eos.grpc.keytab``` must be copied to the frontend. ```cta-cli``` should be placed in /etc/cta, while the location of ```eos.grpc.keytab``` should be specified in ```cta-frontend-xrootd.conf```.
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The tool must be run from the frontend as it needs access to both eos and the catalogue. This means that and ```cta-cli.conf``` and a ```eos.grpc.keytab``` must be copied to the frontend. ```cta-cli``` should be placed in /etc/cta, while the location of ```eos.grpc.keytab``` should be specified in ```cta-frontend-xrootd.conf```.
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