v0.0-1768a93483c · ·
This new release fixes failure to report when too many placeholders are queued for reporting.
v0.0-175fb58acd7 · ·
Going to eos 4.4.32 that adds: - FST [SSD improvements](https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/EOS-3349) - `xrootd` BackUpExists bit
v0.0-1749bddb0a9 · ·
Going to eos 4.4.30 as v0.0-173 was broken: eos 4.4.27 was compiled against xrootd 4.8.x and was silently corrupting CTA setup for TPC in prod...
v0.0-1737e26bc35 · ·
CTA version for deployment on XPs PPS instances. Plenty of news since v0.0-172 (2 months ago): new queuing, improved EOS GC performance, new CI scripts for stress tests, Postgres support, EOS 4.4.27 and quarkDB improvements....
v0.0-170b2a73b75 · ·
Further merged master into repack in preparation of merging repack into master.
v0.0-1668e34cdde · ·
Upgraded to EOS 4.4.18-20181211213834git95c105 in order to get xrootd-ssi-protobuf-interface v0.29 and the fix for FTSs reporting failed close() calls. xrootd-ssi-protobuf-interface v0.29 adds the renewable resources option that should hopefully increase the upper limit on the rate of messages that can be sent from EOS to CTA. Added "media type" and "vendor" to the properties of a tape. Added mediaType, vendor and vo member variables to the catalogue::TapeForWriting and dataStructures::Tape
v0.0-1650d22ee56 · ·
Test release with partial implementation of repack and the out of tape server reporting to EOS.
v0.0-164e7a71f8c · ·
All EOS WFE actions are now synchronous - Requires EOS >= 4.4.13-20181124110340git38aaea2
v0.0-163600b1b53 · ·
All CTA workflow actions are now synchronous except for closew.retrieve_written
v0.0-162ed0aa857 · ·
cta-taped now sends sync::archived to EOS mgm instead of archived. Please note that you must: * Use a version of EOS equal to or greater than: 4.4.11-20181115174403git6157c15 * Define a "proto" workflow action for the following event: sys.workflow.sync::archived.default * Undefine the workflow action for the following event: sys.workflow.archived.default
v0.0-161bc336e2d · ·
Upgraded to EOS 4.4.10-20181106193022gitf4dd861 in order to get the new tape aware GC configuration system