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  • v4.7.5-1
    ## Summary
    This release introduced an additional gRPC based frontend for storage backends. This is still a work in progress and is not ready for use.
    The command `cta-verify-file` now requires the options `eos.instance`, `eos.request.user` and `` to be configured in `/etc/cta/cta-cli.conf`.
    ### Upgrade Instructions
    ### Features
    - cta/CTA#1222 - Add minimal gRPC based frOntend for integration with dCache
    - cta/CTA#1241 - make cta-verify-file get instance, request user and group otions from ctacli config file
    ### Bug fixes
    - cta/CTA#1225 - Fix bug causing tapeserver to sometimes pop the entire archive queue at the end of the mount
    ### Building and Packaging
    ### Catalogue Schema
  • v4.7.4-1
    ### Features
    - cta/CTA#1205 - Fail pipeline if cppcheck detects errors
    - cta/CTA#1206 - Change NULL for nullptr
    - cta/CTA#1217 - Schema verification should just issue an warning if there are extra indexes in the db that are not in the catalogue
    - cta/CTA#1220 - Improve queued retrieve logging message
    - cta/CTA#1152 - Reduce eos free space query load
    - cta/CTA#1231 - Add --loadtimeout option to cta-tape-label and increase default value
    - cta/CTA#977 - Add --drive option to cta-tape-label
    ### Bug fixes
    - cta/CTA#1120 - Fix negative disk space reservation content
    - cta/CTA#1235 - cta-verify-file should return 1 on error
  • v4.7.0-2
    4.6to10.0 migration script skips creating index ARCHIVE_FILE_SCI_IDX if it already exists
  • v4.7.3-1
    ## Summary
    ### Upgrade Instructions
    ### Features
    - cta/CTA#1161 - Tape server refactoring, "Decide where m_reportPacker.setTapeDone() should be called"
    - cta/CTA#1195 - `cta-catalogue-schema-drop` should drop the CTA_CATALOGUE table last
    ### Bug fixes
    - cta/CTA#950 - Eliminate race condition preventing the drive to go down on failure
    - cta/CTA#1160 - Fix DrainingToDisk stale status in case if there is DiskWriteThreadPool thread left
    - cta/operations#708 - Fix "Should run cleaner but VID is missing. Putting the drive down"
    ### Building and Packaging
    ### Catalogue Schema
  • v4.7.2-1
    ## Summary
    Tape server refactoring, improvements and bug fixes
    ### Upgrade Instructions
    ### Features
    - cta/CTA#1161 - Tape server refactoring, "Decide where m_reportPacker.setTapeDone() should be called"
    ### Bug fixes
    - cta/CTA#950 - Eliminate race condition preventing the drive to go down on failure
    - cta/CTA#1160 - Fix DrainingToDisk stale status in case if there is DiskWriteThreadPool thread left
    - cta/operations#708 - Fix "Should run cleaner but VID is missing. Putting the drive down"
    ### Building and Packaging
    ### Catalogue Schema
  • v4.7.1-1
    ## Summary
    ### Upgrade Instructions
    ### Features
    - cta/CTA#1179 - Use std::optional instead of cta::optional
    - cta/CTA#1190 - Use std::make_unique instead of cta::make_unique
    - cta/CTA#1198 - Use hardcoded mount policy for verification requests
    - Add verification flag to queued retrieve request log message
    - propagate labelFormat from TAPE catalog to VolumeInfo
    - cta/CTA#1200 - Remove range class
    ### Bug fixes
    ### Building and Packaging
    ### Catalogue Schema
  • v4.7.0-1
    This release upgrades the catalogue schema to version 10.0, which removes remove unused tables, introduce new indexes and foreign key constraints.
  • v4.6.3-1
    Patch to fix stale drives and wrong data movement timeout
  • v4.6.2-1
    Patch to fix stale drives
  • v4.6.1-1
    ## Summary
    ### Upgrade Instructions
    This CTA release requires a database schema upgrade to CTA catalogue schema v4.6.
    Please consult the [database upgrade documentation](
    ### Features
    - cta/CTA#1137 - Stop deletion of failed retrieve/archive requests
    - cta/CTA#1150 - Add option to pass desired catalogue version into cta-catalogue-schema-create
    - cta/CTA#1147 - Add Disk Instance Column to VO table
    - cta/CTA#1119 - Remove support of manual mode for loading tapes
    - cta/CTA#1123 - Add mount id to disk space reservations, prevent tape servers from releasing disk space from a previous mount
    ### Bug fixes
    - cta/CTA#1138 - sortAndGetTapesForMountInfo only queries tapes in the current logical library
    - cta/CTA#1117 - Update masterDataInBytes when writing files to tape
    - cta/CTA#1125 - cta-admin dr ls should show '-' instead of "NO_MOUNT" for Mount Type
    ### Continuous Integration
    - cta/CTA#1131 - Compile CTA using devtoolset-8 in CI
    - cta/CTA#1126 - Create tests for TapeDrivesCatalogueState
  • v4.6.0-1
  • v4.5.2-1
    - Workaround for negative reservation crashing the tapeserver and leaving the tape stuck
  • v4.5.1-1
    - cta/CTA#1101 - Fix disk space reservation logic adding all existing disk space reservations for all disk systems
    - cta/CTA#1023 - Retrieve puts the queue to sleep if the eos disk instance is not reachable
  • v4.5.0-1
    ## Features
    - cta/CTA#1091 - New Drive State table in CTA Catalogue
    - cta/CTA#1054 - Fix filing of disk buffer when recalling from tapeservers with RAO
    - cta/CTA#1076 - Retrieve fails if disk system configuration is removed
    - cta/CTA#1087 - Add new tapeserver config option UseEncryption
    - cta/CTA#1096 - Better handling of bad checksums in archive/retrieve sessions
    ## Bug fixes
    - cta/CTA#1092 - Fix overflow error with drive state latestBandwith causing cta frontend crash
    - cta/CTA#501 - Fix disappearing reason when TapeDrive is reading or writing
  • v4.4.1-1
    ## Bug fixes
    - cta/CTA#1092 Fix overflow with drive bandwith causing frontend to crash
  • v4.4.0-1
  • v4.3-3
    - cta/CTA#1053 Remove the objectstore presence in another classes
    - cta/CTA#501 cta-taped should set the state to DOWN when machine rebooting
    - cta/CTA#1056 Fix bugs in cta 4.3-2"
    - cta/CTA#1058 Remove helgrind_annotator from production
  • v4.3-2
    - cta-admin: All short options with more than one character now require two dashes
    - cta/CTA#1013 reportType uninitialized
    - cta/CTA#1044 Fix segmentation fault due to uninitialized optional value and remove diskSpaceReservations from `cta-admin dr ls`
  • v4.2-3
    2e328b65 · Preparing 4.2-3 release ·
    - cta/CTA#983
      - Add cta-versionlock helper script to cta-release package
      - Update cta repo file to use the new public repo
    - cta/CTA#1036 Better error reporting in cta-admin tools
    - cta/CTA#1039 Improve logging of cta admin commands in cta frontend
    - cta/CTA#1041 Fix host values in cta-admin commands
    - cta/CTA#1026 `cta-admin sq` now shows the mount policies of potential mounts
    - cta/CTA#1029 Fix segmentatin fault in frontend when list repacks of a tape that has been deleted in the catalogue
    - cta/CTA#1032 cta-admin dr ls crashes the frontend if executed during an archive/retrieve
    - cta/CTA#996  Removes PARALLEL from migration scripts
    - cta/CTA#1035 log configuration options on frontend startup
    - cta/CTA#1042 Do not iterate over retrieve queues when holding global scheduler lock
      - Repacks on a disabled tape must now use a mount policy whose name starts with repack
      - There is no longer an empty mount when a disabled/broken tape queue is full of deleted requests
    - cta/CTA#1027 Mitigate popNextBatch bad behaviour in archive queues
    - Migration tools: fixes filemode of files imported from CASTOR to EOS
  • v4.2-4
    66ba0a5f · Update ·
    ## Summary
    ### Features
    - cta/CTA#501 cta-taped should set the state to DOWN when machine rebooting
    - cta/CTA#976 Add logical part of Drive Status using Catalogue
    - cta/CTA#983
      - Add cta-versionlock helper script to cta-release package
      - Update cta repo file to use the new public repo
    - cta/CTA#988 Instrument backpressure for retrieve in dr ls
    - cta/CTA#1036 Better error reporting in cta-admin tools
    - cta/CTA#1039 Improve logging of cta admin commands in cta frontend
    - cta/CTA#1041 Fix host values in cta-admin commands
    ### Bug fixes
    - cta/CTA#1031 Fix Warning in updateDriveStatus
    - cta/CTA#1032 cta-admin dr ls crashes the frontend if executed during an archive/retrieve
    - cta/CTA#996  Removes PARALLEL from migration scripts
    - cta/CTA#991  Drive is not put down if the device file is removed while cta-taped is running and before a data transfer