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Commit 0785114b authored by Nils Erik Krumnack's avatar Nils Erik Krumnack
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Merge branch '21.2-AnalysisTopUpdate' into '21.2'

21.2-AnalysisTop: Enabling jet event cleaning for particle-flow jets in JetEventCleanSelector

See merge request atlas/athena!16157

Former-commit-id: 055053723c0c65b6763fd27979ad02f623310398
parents 77a606dc 9c272328
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......@@ -30,13 +30,27 @@ namespace top {
if (m_level == "LooseBad") m_useLooseBad = true;
if (m_level == "TightBad") m_useLooseBad = false;
// we can't yet use jet cleaning for particle-flow jets
if (!m_config->useParticleFlowJets()) {
if (m_useLooseBad)top::check( m_jetCleaningToolLooseBad.retrieve() , "Failed to retrieve JetCleaningToolLooseBad" );
else top::check( m_jetCleaningToolTightBad.retrieve() , "Failed to retrieve JetCleaningToolTightBad" );
// Checking configuration for particle-flow jets:
if (m_config->useParticleFlowJets()) {
top::check(m_useLooseBad, "JetCleaningSelector: This cleaning configuration is not available for particle-flow jets. The only available configuration is\n JETCLEAN LooseBad");
if (m_useLooseBad)top::check( m_jetEventCleaningToolLooseBad.retrieve() , "Failed to retrieve JetEventCleaningToolLooseBad" );
else top::check( m_jetEventCleaningToolTightBad.retrieve() , "Failed to retrieve JetEventCleaningToolTightBad" );
// We can't yet use jet cleaning or event cleaning tools for particle-flow jets
if (!m_config->useParticleFlowJets()) {
if (m_useLooseBad)top::check( m_jetEventCleaningToolLooseBad.retrieve() , "Failed to retrieve JetEventCleaningToolLooseBad" );
else top::check( m_jetEventCleaningToolTightBad.retrieve() , "Failed to retrieve JetEventCleaningToolTightBad" );
if (m_useLooseBad)top::check( m_jetCleaningToolLooseBad.retrieve() , "Failed to retrieve JetCleaningToolLooseBad" );
else top::check( m_jetCleaningToolTightBad.retrieve() , "Failed to retrieve JetCleaningToolTightBad" );
} // end (!m_config->useParticleFlowJets())
......@@ -44,26 +58,32 @@ namespace top {
if (m_config->isTruthDxAOD()) return true;
top::check(event.m_info->isAvailable<char>("DFCommonJets_eventClean_LooseBad"),"JetCleaningSelector: DFCommonJets_eventClean_LooseBad not available in EventInfo. Needed for particle-flow jets cleaning");
bool result = event.m_info->auxdataConst<char>("DFCommonJets_eventClean_LooseBad");
return result;
// There are two jet cleaning tools and we have a request to test the event level one
// These should be very close/ equivalent as we already handle the OR and JVT elsewhere
// If we are to use the event object, we can just do acceptEvent
if (m_useLooseBad) return m_jetEventCleaningToolLooseBad->acceptEvent(&event.m_jets);
if (!m_useLooseBad) return m_jetEventCleaningToolTightBad->acceptEvent(&event.m_jets);
if (m_useLooseBad) return m_jetEventCleaningToolLooseBad->acceptEvent(&event.m_jets);
else return m_jetEventCleaningToolTightBad->acceptEvent(&event.m_jets);
// This is the default/standard method for jet cleaning
for (const auto* const jetPtr : event.m_jets){
// we can't yet use jet cleaning for particle-flow jets, so do nothing in this case
top::check(!m_config->useParticleFlowJets(),"Jet cleaning can't be used for PFlow jets");
if (m_useLooseBad) {
if (m_jetCleaningToolLooseBad->keep(*jetPtr) == 0) {
return false;
if (!m_useLooseBad) {
else {
if (m_jetCleaningToolTightBad->keep(*jetPtr) == 0) {
return false;
......@@ -72,6 +92,10 @@ namespace top {
return true;
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ private:
///The level to configure to, so we can print it in the name.
std::string m_level;
bool m_useLooseBad;
bool m_useEventLevelJetCleaningTool;
std::shared_ptr<top::TopConfig> m_config;
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