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Commit 19b01953 authored by Marjorie Shapiro's avatar Marjorie Shapiro Committed by Graeme Stewart
Browse files

Fix code to meet Run 2 standards and remove nightly warnings;

Change EvtGenInclusiveDecay to inherit from GenBase
in EvtGenInclusiveDecay use evtStore()->overwrite(..) if reading MCEventCollection from file (EvtGen_i-00-01-17)

	* Fix code to meet Run 2 coding standards (eg fix warnings from nightlies)
	* Change EvtInclusiveDecay to inherit from GenBase
	* Change EvtInclusiveDecay to use evtStore()->overwrite if reading evgen from input file
	* tag as EvtGen_i-00-01-17
parent de0b7983
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -35,10 +35,11 @@
#include "EvtGen/EvtGen.hh"
#include "EvtGenBase/EvtRandomEngine.hh"
#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
#include "GeneratorModules/GenBase.h"
//#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
//#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
#include "GeneratorObjects/McEventCollection.h"
......@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ class EvtInclusiveAtRndmGen : public EvtRandomEngine {
class EvtInclusiveDecay:public Algorithm {
class EvtInclusiveDecay:public GenBase {
EvtInclusiveDecay(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
......@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ class EvtInclusiveDecay:public Algorithm {
std::string pdgName(const HepMC::GenParticle* p, bool statusHighlighting = false, std::set<int>* barcodeList = 0);
// StoreGate access
StoreGateSvc* m_sgSvc;
// StoreGateSvc* m_sgSvc;
McEventCollection* m_mcEvtColl;
// Particle properties service
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ use AtlasBoost AtlasBoost-* External
use StoreGate StoreGate-* Control
use AtlasPyROOT AtlasPyROOT-* External
use GeneratorModules GeneratorModules-* Generators
use GeneratorObjects GeneratorObjects-* Generators
use AtlasHepMC AtlasHepMC-* External
use EvtGen EvtGen-* External
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
#include <map>
EvtInclusiveDecay::EvtInclusiveDecay(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):Algorithm( name, pSvcLocator ) {
EvtInclusiveDecay::EvtInclusiveDecay(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):GenBase( name, pSvcLocator ) {
m_evtAtRndmGen = 0;
m_myEvtGen = 0;
......@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ EvtInclusiveDecay::EvtInclusiveDecay(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcL
m_atRndmGenSvc = 0;
m_mcEvtColl = 0;
m_sgSvc = 0;
// We have decided to blacklist Tau decays because we are not sure whether the polarization
// would be properly passed to EvtGen
......@@ -117,51 +116,46 @@ EvtInclusiveDecay::~EvtInclusiveDecay() {
StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::initialize() {
StatusCode sc;
MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
log << MSG::INFO << "EvtInclusiveDecay initialize" << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "Particle properties definition file = " << m_pdtFile << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "Main decay file = " << m_decayFile << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "User decay file = " << m_userDecayFile << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "Max number of repeated decays = " << m_maxNRepeatedDecays << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "EvtInclusiveDecay selection parameters:" << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* prohibitFinalStateDecay = " << m_prohibitFinalStateDecay << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* prohibitReDecay = " << m_prohibitReDecay << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* prohibitUnDecay = " << m_prohibitUnDecay << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* prohibitRemoveSelfDecay = " << m_prohibitRemoveSelfDecay << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* allowAllKnownDecays = " << m_allowAllKnownDecays << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* allowDefaultBDecays = " << m_allowDefaultBDecays << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "User selection parameters:" << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* applyUserSelection = " << m_applyUserSelection << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* userSelRequireOppositeSignedMu = " << m_userSelRequireOppositeSignedMu << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* userSelMu1MinPt = " << m_userSelMu1MinPt << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* userSelMu2MinPt = " << m_userSelMu2MinPt << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* userSelMu1MaxEta = " << m_userSelMu1MaxEta << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* userSelMu2MaxEta = " << m_userSelMu2MaxEta << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* userSelMinDimuMass = " << m_userSelMinDimuMass << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "* userSelMaxDimuMass = " << m_userSelMaxDimuMass << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "EvtInclusiveDecay initialize" << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Particle properties definition file = " << m_pdtFile << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Main decay file = " << m_decayFile << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "User decay file = " << m_userDecayFile << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Max number of repeated decays = " << m_maxNRepeatedDecays << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "EvtInclusiveDecay selection parameters:" << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* prohibitFinalStateDecay = " << m_prohibitFinalStateDecay << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* prohibitReDecay = " << m_prohibitReDecay << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* prohibitUnDecay = " << m_prohibitUnDecay << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* prohibitRemoveSelfDecay = " << m_prohibitRemoveSelfDecay << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* allowAllKnownDecays = " << m_allowAllKnownDecays << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* allowDefaultBDecays = " << m_allowDefaultBDecays << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "User selection parameters:" << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* applyUserSelection = " << m_applyUserSelection << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* userSelRequireOppositeSignedMu = " << m_userSelRequireOppositeSignedMu << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* userSelMu1MinPt = " << m_userSelMu1MinPt << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* userSelMu2MinPt = " << m_userSelMu2MinPt << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* userSelMu1MaxEta = " << m_userSelMu1MaxEta << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* userSelMu2MaxEta = " << m_userSelMu2MaxEta << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* userSelMinDimuMass = " << m_userSelMinDimuMass << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* userSelMaxDimuMass = " << m_userSelMaxDimuMass << endreq;
// Initialize and print blackList
log << MSG::INFO << "* blackList = ";
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* blackList; = ";
for (std::set<int>::iterator i = m_blackListSet.begin(); i!=m_blackListSet.end(); ++i)
log << (*i) << " ";
log << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << (*i) << " ";
msg(MSG::INFO)<< endreq;
// Initialize and print whiteList
log << MSG::INFO << "* whiteList = ";
msg(MSG::INFO) << "* whiteList = ";
for (std::set<int>::iterator i = m_whiteListSet.begin(); i!=m_whiteListSet.end(); ++i)
log << (*i) << " ";
log << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << (*i) << " ";
msg(MSG::INFO) << endreq;
// Obtain random number generator for EvtGen
static const bool CREATEIFNOTTHERE(true);
sc = service("AtRndmGenSvc", m_atRndmGenSvc, CREATEIFNOTTHERE);
if (!sc.isSuccess() || 0==m_atRndmGenSvc) {
log << MSG::ERROR << "Failed to initialize random number service" << endreq;
return sc;
CHECK(service("AtRndmGenSvc", m_atRndmGenSvc, CREATEIFNOTTHERE));
m_evtAtRndmGen = new EvtInclusiveAtRndmGen(m_atRndmGenSvc,m_randomStreamName);
// Create an instance of EvtGen and read particle properties and decay files
......@@ -178,13 +172,6 @@ StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::initialize() {
// Get a handle to StoreGate
sc = service("StoreGateSvc", m_sgSvc);
if (sc.isFailure()) {
log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not find StoreGateSvc" << endreq;
return sc;
m_nRepeatedDecays = 0;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -193,56 +180,32 @@ StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::initialize() {
StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::execute() {
MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
log << MSG::DEBUG << "EvtInclusiveDecay executing" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("EvtInclusiveDecay executing");
std::string key = m_inputKeyName;
// retrieve event from Transient Store (Storegate)
if(m_readExisting) {
const McEventCollection* oldmcEvtColl;
if(m_sgSvc->retrieve(oldmcEvtColl, key).isFailure()) {
log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not retrieve const McEventCollection" << endreq;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
m_mcEvtColl = new McEventCollection();
// Fill the new McEventCollection with a copy of the initial HepMC::GenEvent
for (McEventCollection::const_iterator evt = events_const()->begin(); evt != events_const()->end(); ++evt) {
m_mcEvtColl->push_back(new HepMC::GenEvent(*(*evt)));
m_mcEvtColl = new McEventCollection;
std::size_t evtIdx = 0;
std::size_t pushCount = 0;
for ( McEventCollection::const_iterator iEvt = oldmcEvtColl->begin();
iEvt != oldmcEvtColl->end();
++iEvt, ++evtIdx ) {
m_mcEvtColl->push_back( new HepMC::GenEvent(**iEvt) );
} //> end loop over HepMC::GenEvent
// If we are using the same key for the old and new collections, we have
// to delete the old one
else {CHECK(evtStore()->retrieve(m_mcEvtColl, key));}
if(m_readExisting) {
if(m_outputKeyName==key) {
if ( m_sgSvc->remove(oldmcEvtColl).isFailure() ) {
log<< "Could not remove old HepMC collection" << endreq;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (m_deleteOldCollection) {
if ( evtStore()->remove(m_mcEvtColl).isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR ( "Could not remove old HepMC collection" );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
else {
CHECK(evtStore()->record( m_mcEvtColl,m_outputKeyName));
if ( evtStore()->record(m_newMcEvtColl, m_newCollectionKey).isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR ( "Could not add new HepMC collection with key " << m_newCollectionKey );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
else if ( m_sgSvc->retrieve(m_mcEvtColl, key).isFailure() ) {
log << MSG::ERROR << "Could not retrieve McEventCollection" << endreq;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
McEventCollection::iterator mcItr;
for( mcItr = m_mcEvtColl->begin(); mcItr != m_mcEvtColl->end(); mcItr++ ) {
HepMC::GenEvent* hepMC = *mcItr;
......@@ -264,7 +227,7 @@ StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::execute() {
// Print HepMC in tree format if desired (before doing anything)
if (m_printHepMCBeforeEvtGen) {
log << MSG::DEBUG << "Printing HepMC record at " << hepMC << " BEFORE running EvtGen:" << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Printing HepMC record at " << hepMC << " BEFORE running EvtGen:" << endreq;
if (m_printHepMCHighLightTopLevelDecays)
......@@ -278,7 +241,7 @@ StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::execute() {
for (std::set<int>::iterator itb = toBeDecayed.begin(); itb!=toBeDecayed.end(); ++itb) {
HepMC::GenParticle* p = hepMC->barcode_to_particle(*itb);
if (p==0) {
log << MSG::ERROR << "Overlapping decay tree encountered for barcode " << *itb << endreq;
msg(MSG::ERROR ) << "Overlapping decay tree encountered for barcode " << *itb << endreq;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
......@@ -297,32 +260,24 @@ StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::execute() {
if(m_maxNRepeatedDecays > 1)
hepMC->weights()["nEvtGenDecayAttempts"] = loopCounter;
// Print HepMC in tree format if desired (after finishing all EvtGen decays)
if (m_printHepMCAfterEvtGen) {
log << MSG::DEBUG << "Printing HepMC record at " << hepMC << " AFTER running EvtGen:" << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Printing HepMC record at " << hepMC << " AFTER running EvtGen:" << endreq;
if (m_printHepMCHighLightTopLevelDecays)
if(m_readExisting) {
if ( m_sgSvc->record( m_mcEvtColl,m_outputKeyName).isFailure() ) {
log << "Could not add new HepMC collection with key " << m_outputKeyName << endreq;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::finalize() {
MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
if (m_checkDecayChannels) {
log << MSG::INFO << "The following particles were checked and didn't have any decay channels:" << endreq;
if (log.level() <= MSG::INFO) {
ATH_MSG_INFO("The following particles were checked and didn't have any decay channels:");
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) {
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " Particle code Name from HepPDT # Occurences" << std::endl;
std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
......@@ -337,8 +292,8 @@ StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::finalize() {
std::cout << std::endl;
log << MSG::INFO << "Total number of repeated decays: " << m_nRepeatedDecays << endreq;
log << MSG::INFO << "EvtInclusiveDecay finalized" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO("Total number of repeated decays: " << m_nRepeatedDecays);
ATH_MSG_INFO("EvtInclusiveDecay finalized");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -355,13 +310,13 @@ StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::traverseDecayTree(HepMC::GenParticle* p,
bool isToBeRemoved,
std::set<HepMC::GenVertex*>& visited,
std::set<int>& toBeDecayed) {
MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Inspecting: " << pdgName(p) << " barcode: " << p->barcode() << endreq;
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Inspecting: " << pdgName(p) << " barcode:"<< p->barcode());
if (!isToBeRemoved) {
if (isToBeDecayed(p,true)) {
isToBeRemoved = true;
log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Selected particle for decay: " << pdgName(p) << " (barcode " << p->barcode() << ")" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Selected particle for decay: " << pdgName(p) << " (barcode " << p->barcode() << ")");
// In principle we could stop the recursion here. However, to prevent
// pathological cases in certain decay trees (in particular from Herwig),
// we continue in order to mark all descendants of this particle
......@@ -374,8 +329,8 @@ StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::traverseDecayTree(HepMC::GenParticle* p,
if (visited.insert(v).second) {
if ( isToBeRemoved && (v->particles_in_size()>1) && m_checkDecayTree ) {
// This is normal for Herwig but should not occur for Pythia
log << MSG::WARNING << "Found particle to be decayed with vertex with >1 incoming mother particles in decay tree" << endreq;
if (log.level() <= MSG::WARNING) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Found particle to be decayed with vertex with >1 incoming mother particles in decay tree");
if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) {
std::cout << std::endl;
......@@ -403,7 +358,6 @@ StatusCode EvtInclusiveDecay::traverseDecayTree(HepMC::GenParticle* p,
void EvtInclusiveDecay::removeDecayTree(HepMC::GenEvent* hepMC, HepMC::GenParticle* p) {
HepMC::GenVertex* v = p->end_vertex();
if (v) {
MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
std::set<int> vtxBarCodesToDelete;
for (HepMC::GenVertex::vertex_iterator itv = v->vertices_begin(HepMC::descendants);
......@@ -416,8 +370,8 @@ void EvtInclusiveDecay::removeDecayTree(HepMC::GenEvent* hepMC, HepMC::GenPartic
delete vdel;
p->set_status(1); // For now, flag particle as undecayed (stable)
log << MSG::DEBUG << "Removed existing " << pdgName(p) << " (barcode " << p->barcode() << ")"
<< " decay tree with " << vtxBarCodesToDelete.size() << " vertices" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Removed existing " << pdgName(p) << " (barcode " << p->barcode() << ")"
<< " decay tree with " << vtxBarCodesToDelete.size() << " vertices");
......@@ -439,9 +393,8 @@ void EvtInclusiveDecay::removeDecayTree(HepMC::GenEvent* hepMC, HepMC::GenPartic
// isToBeDecayed() to never enable decays of such particles by EvtGen.
void EvtInclusiveDecay::decayParticle(HepMC::GenEvent* hepMC, HepMC::GenParticle* part) {
MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
log << MSG::DEBUG << "Decaying particle " << pdgName(part) << " (barcode " << part->barcode() << ")" << endreq;
if (log.level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) part->print();
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Decaying particle " << pdgName(part) << " (barcode " << part->barcode() << ")");
if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) part->print();
// Remove existing decay tree, if any, and flag particle as being decayed by EvtGen
......@@ -458,7 +411,7 @@ void EvtInclusiveDecay::decayParticle(HepMC::GenEvent* hepMC, HepMC::GenParticle
EvtVector4R evtP(en,px,py,pz);
EvtParticle* evtPart = EvtParticleFactory::particleFactory(evtId,evtP);
if (log.level() <= MSG::VERBOSE) evtPart->printTree();
if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) evtPart->printTree();
// Add new decay tree to hepMC, converting back from GeV to MeV.
addEvtGenDecayTree(hepMC, part, evtPart, 1000.);
......@@ -506,7 +459,6 @@ void EvtInclusiveDecay::addEvtGenDecayTree(HepMC::GenEvent* hepMC, HepMC::GenPar
// if isToBeDecayed is called more than once for the same particle.
bool EvtInclusiveDecay::isToBeDecayed(const HepMC::GenParticle* p, bool doCrossChecks) {
MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
int id = p->pdg_id();
int stat = p->status();
int nDaughters = 0;
......@@ -520,7 +472,7 @@ bool EvtInclusiveDecay::isToBeDecayed(const HepMC::GenParticle* p, bool doCrossC
// be flagged as documentation lines
double m2 = p->momentum().m2();
if (m2 < -1.0E-3) {
log << MSG::DEBUG << "Ignoring particle " << pdgName(p) << " with m^2 = " << m2 << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Ignoring particle " << pdgName(p) << " with m^2 = " << m2);
return false;
......@@ -532,9 +484,9 @@ bool EvtInclusiveDecay::isToBeDecayed(const HepMC::GenParticle* p, bool doCrossC
// nModes = EvtDecayTable::getNMode(evtId.getAlias());
nModes = EvtDecayTable::getInstance()->getNMode(evtId.getAlias());
if (doCrossChecks) {
log << MSG::VERBOSE << "Checking particle " << pdgName(p)
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Checking particle " << pdgName(p)
<< " (status = " << stat
<<") -- " << nModes << " decay modes found" << endreq;
<<") -- " << nModes << " decay modes found");
if (m_checkDecayChannels && nModes==0) {
std::map<int,long>::iterator pos = m_noDecayChannels.find(id);
if (pos != m_noDecayChannels.end())
......@@ -599,31 +551,27 @@ bool EvtInclusiveDecay::isDefaultB(const int pId) const {
// TODO: to be replaced by something more configurable
bool EvtInclusiveDecay::passesUserSelection(HepMC::GenEvent* hepMC) {
// MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
bool passed(false);
std::vector<HepMC::GenParticle*> *muons = new std::vector<HepMC::GenParticle*>;
for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator itp = hepMC->particles_begin(); itp != hepMC->particles_end(); ++itp) {
HepMC::GenParticle* p = *itp;
if( abs(p->pdg_id()) == 13 )
// log << MSG::INFO << "Found " << muons->size() << " muons" << endreq;
for (std::vector<HepMC::GenParticle*>::iterator muItr1 = muons->begin(); muItr1 != muons->end(); ++muItr1) {
for (std::vector<HepMC::GenParticle*>::iterator muItr2 = muItr1+1; muItr2 != muons->end(); ++muItr2) {
if( m_userSelRequireOppositeSignedMu && (*muItr1)->pdg_id() * (*muItr2)->pdg_id() > 0)
// log << MSG::INFO << "Opp sign ok" << endreq;
if( !( (*muItr1)->momentum().perp() > m_userSelMu1MinPt && fabs((*muItr1)->momentum().pseudoRapidity()) < m_userSelMu1MaxEta &&
(*muItr2)->momentum().perp() > m_userSelMu2MinPt && fabs((*muItr2)->momentum().pseudoRapidity()) < m_userSelMu2MaxEta ) &&
!( (*muItr2)->momentum().perp() > m_userSelMu1MinPt && fabs((*muItr2)->momentum().pseudoRapidity()) < m_userSelMu1MaxEta &&
(*muItr1)->momentum().perp() > m_userSelMu2MinPt && fabs((*muItr1)->momentum().pseudoRapidity()) < m_userSelMu2MaxEta ) )
// log << MSG::INFO << "Pt ok" << endreq;
double dimuMass = invMass((*muItr1),(*muItr2));
if( !( dimuMass > m_userSelMinDimuMass && (dimuMass < m_userSelMaxDimuMass || m_userSelMaxDimuMass < 0.) ) )
// log << MSG::INFO << "Mass ok" << endreq;
passed = true;
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