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Commit 40a814f5 authored by Joerg Stelzer's avatar Joerg Stelzer Committed by Graeme Stewart
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Add loading of algorithms from Run2 database (TrigSteering-03-07-14)

parent 55f0b7e4
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......@@ -411,11 +411,9 @@ class TrigSteer_HLT( TrigSteer_baseClass ):
# include("TrigSteering/")
# add all PESA algorithms (of the correct lvl) to this instance of TrigSteer :
l2algs,efalgs = ServiceMgr.HLTConfigSvc.getAlgorithmsByLevel()
hltalgs = ServiceMgr.HLTConfigSvc.getAlgorithmsRun2() "will add HLT algorithms to: "+name)
from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
for alg in hltalgs:
instance = getConfigurableByConfigName(alg)
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
* @author Ingrid Deigaard - Nikhef, The Netherlands
* File and Version Information:
* $Id: LvlTopoConverter.cxx 637123 2014-12-19 18:40:21Z fwinkl $
* $Id: LvlTopoConverter.cxx 641540 2015-01-25 13:39:47Z stelzer $
#include "TrigSteering/LvlTopoConverter.h"
......@@ -48,21 +48,31 @@ ErrorCode LvlTopoConverter::hltExecute(std::vector<HLT::SteeringChain*>&) {
return HLT::OK;
namespace {
StatusCode max(StatusCode x, StatusCode y) {
return StatusCode ( x.getCode() >= y.getCode() ? x.getCode() : y.getCode() );
LvlTopoConverter::FillInputEvent(TCS::TopoInputEvent & inputEvent) {
StatusCode sc = m_emtauInputProvider->fillTopoInputEvent(inputEvent);
// JET
sc = max( sc, m_jetInputProvider->fillTopoInputEvent(inputEvent) );
// ET sum, ET miss
sc = max( sc, m_energyInputProvider->fillTopoInputEvent(inputEvent) );
// ET sum, ET miss
// muons
sc = max( sc, m_muonInputProvider->fillTopoInputEvent(inputEvent) );
if(sc.isRecoverable()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("One or more inputs to L1Topo simulation at the HLT are not available");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
return sc == StatusCode::FAILURE ? StatusCode::FAILURE : StatusCode::SUCCESS; // if recoverable, then success
......@@ -534,7 +534,9 @@ StatusCode TrigSteer::execute()
// fill the input event
//HLT::ErrorCode topoEC =
m_lvlTopoCnvTool->hltExecute(m_activeChains, m_topoSteer->inputEvent() );
if( m_lvlTopoCnvTool->hltExecute(m_activeChains, m_topoSteer->inputEvent() ) != HLT::OK) {
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// forward the mapping ( roiWord -> TE ) to the TopoSequences
const map<uint32_t, TriggerElement*> * roiWord2TEMap = m_lvlCnvTool->roIWordToTE();
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