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Commit 7b581357 authored by Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska's avatar Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska Committed by Graeme Stewart
Browse files

modify for new version (Epos_i-00-01-01)

        * modify interface to work with the new version
        * tagging Epos_i-00-01-01
parent 3843f877
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......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ public:
// event counter
int m_events;
int m_ievent; //event counter in Epos
int m_iout; //output type
// setable properties
double m_beamMomentum;
......@@ -44,15 +46,21 @@ protected:
int m_primaryParticle;
int m_targetParticle;
std::string m_paramFile;
std::string m_lheout;
int m_itab;
int m_ilheout;
int m_nEvents;
// max number of particles MUST BE EQUAL TO THE NUMBER SET IN crmc-aaa.f
static const size_t kMaxParticles = 9990;
// max number of particles MUST BE EQUAL TO THE NUMBER SET IN crmc-aaa.f! (it is max. number allowed by HepMC2.6 now)
static const size_t kMaxParticles = 10000;
// static const size_t kMaxParticles = HEPEVT_SIZE_REPLACE;
int m_partID[ kMaxParticles ];
float m_partPx[ kMaxParticles ];
float m_partPy[ kMaxParticles ];
float m_partPz[ kMaxParticles ];
float m_partEnergy[ kMaxParticles ];
float m_partMass[ kMaxParticles ];
double m_partPx[ kMaxParticles ];
double m_partPy[ kMaxParticles ];
double m_partPz[ kMaxParticles ];
double m_partEnergy[ kMaxParticles ];
double m_partMass[ kMaxParticles ];
int m_partStat[ kMaxParticles ];
std::vector<long int> m_seeds;
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ nodecay -20 !uncomment not to decay k0L (PDG id = -130)
!for other particles, please ask me ... or minimum ctau (cm) :
MinDecayLength 1. !minimum c.Tau to define stable particles (cm)
set istmax 1 ! option to save the mother particle
set istmax 1 ! option to save the mother particle (0 no mother part. 1 with mother part)
fqgsjet dat tabs/qgsjet.dat
fqgsjet ncs tabs/qgsjet.ncs
......@@ -56,19 +56,22 @@ epos.BeamMomentum = -3500.0
epos.TargetMomentum = 3500.0
epos.PrimaryParticle = 1
epos.TargetParticle = 1
epos.Model = 0
epos.Model = 0 # [0=EPOS_LHC (default), 1=EPOS_1.99, 2=QGSJET01, 6=Sibyll_2.1, 7=QGSJETII-04, 11=QGSJETII-03]
epos.ParamFile = paramFile # FIXME?
eps.LheOutput = 0 # yes=1 no-0
epos.LheFile = "epos.lhe"
epos.TabCreate = 0 # force tab creation yes-1 no-0
job += epos
theApp.ExtSvc += ["AtRndmGenSvc"]
genSeq.ExtSvc += ["AtRndmGenSvc"]
# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
MessageSvc = Service( "MessageSvc" )
MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
# Number of events to be processed (default is 10)
theApp.EvtMax = 200
#theApp.EvtMax = 200
evgenConfig.minevents = 100
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Printing service
......@@ -46,11 +46,14 @@ extern "C" double atl_epos_rndm_( int* )
extern "C"
// generator initialization
void crmc_init_f_( int &iSeed, double &beamMomentum, double &targetMomentum,
int &primaryParticle, int &targetParticle, int &model, const char *paramFile );
void crmc_set_f_(int &nEvents,int &iSeed,double &beamMomentum, double &targetMomentum, int &primaryParticle, int &targetParticle, int &model,
int &itab, int &ilheout, const char *outFile, const char *paramFile);
void crmc_init_f_();
// void crmc_init_f_( int &iSeed, double &beamMomentum, double &targetMomentum, int &primaryParticle, int &targetParticle, int &model, const char *paramFile );
// event generation
void crmc_f_( int &nParticles, float &impactParam, int &partPdg,
float &partPx, float &partPy, float &partPz, float &partEnergy, float &partMass );
void crmc_f_( int &iout, int &ievent, int &nParticles, double &impactParam, int &partPdg,
double &partPx, double &partPy, double &partPz, double &partEnergy, double &partMass, int &outstat );
// cross section info
void crmc_xsection_f_(double &xsigtot, double &xsigine, double &xsigela, double &xsigdd,
double &xsigsd, double &xsloela, double &xsigtotaa, double &xsigineaa, double &xsigelaaa);
......@@ -165,13 +168,20 @@ Epos::Epos( const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator ):
declareProperty( "PrimaryParticle", m_primaryParticle = 1 ); // 1=p, 12=C, 120=pi+, 207=Pb
declareProperty( "TargetParticle", m_targetParticle = 1 );
declareProperty( "ParamFile", m_paramFile = "crmc.param" );
declareProperty( "LheOutput", m_ilheout = 0 );
declareProperty( "LheFile", m_lheout = "epos.lhe" );
declareProperty( "TabCreate", m_itab = 0 );
declareProperty( "nEvents", m_nEvents = 5500 );
m_events = 0;
m_events = 0; // current event number (counted by interface)
m_ievent = 0; // current event number counted by Epos
m_iout = 0; // output type (output)
// initialize internally used arrays
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxParticles; ++i) {
m_partID[i] = 0;
m_partPx[i] = m_partPy[i] = m_partPz[i] = m_partEnergy[i] = m_partMass[i] = 0.0;
m_partStat[i] = 0;
......@@ -183,7 +193,7 @@ Epos::~Epos()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
StatusCode Epos::genInitialize()
static const bool CREATEIFNOTTHERE = true;
......@@ -198,11 +208,17 @@ StatusCode Epos::genInitialize()
long int si1 = sip[0];
long int si2 = sip[1];
int iSeed = si1; // FIXME?
int iSeed = si1; // FIXME ?
// set up initial values
// std::cout << "parameters " << m_nEvents << " " << iSeed << " " << m_beamMomentum << " " << m_targetMomentum << " " << m_primaryParticle << " " << m_targetParticle << " " << m_model << " " << m_itab << " " << m_ilheout << " " << m_lheout.c_str()<< " " << m_paramFile.c_str() << std::endl;
crmc_set_f_(m_nEvents, iSeed, m_beamMomentum, m_targetMomentum, m_primaryParticle, m_targetParticle, m_model, m_itab, m_ilheout, m_lheout.c_str(), m_paramFile.c_str() );
// initialize Epos
crmc_init_f_( iSeed, m_beamMomentum, m_targetMomentum, m_primaryParticle,
m_targetParticle, m_model, m_paramFile.c_str() );
// crmc_init_f_( iSeed, m_beamMomentum, m_targetMomentum, m_primaryParticle, m_targetParticle, m_model, m_paramFile.c_str() );
// ... and set them back to the stream for proper save
p_AtRndmGenSvcEpos->CreateStream( si1, si2, epos_rndm_stream );
......@@ -210,9 +226,9 @@ StatusCode Epos::genInitialize()
epos_rndm_stream = "EPOS";
// setup HepMC
HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_sizeof_int(sizeof( int ));
HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_max_number_entries(9990); // as used in crmc-aaa.f!!!
HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_sizeof_int(sizeof( int ));
HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_sizeof_real( 8 );
HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::set_max_number_entries(10000); // as used in crmc-aaa.f!!!
m_events = 0;
......@@ -224,25 +240,43 @@ StatusCode Epos::genInitialize()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
StatusCode Epos::callGenerator()
ATH_MSG_INFO( " EPOS Generating." );
// ATH_MSG_INFO( " EPOS Generating." );
// save the random number seeds in the event
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine = p_AtRndmGenSvcEpos->GetEngine( epos_rndm_stream );
const long *s = engine->getSeeds();
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine = p_AtRndmGenSvcEpos->GetEngine( epos_rndm_stream );
const long *s = engine->getSeeds();
// as in crmchep.h
int nParticles = 0;
float impactParameter = -1.0;
double impactParameter = -1.0;
// generate event
crmc_f_( nParticles, impactParameter, m_partID[0], m_partPx[0], m_partPy[0], m_partPz[0],
m_partEnergy[0], m_partMass[0] );
crmc_f_( m_iout, m_ievent ,nParticles, impactParameter, m_partID[0], m_partPx[0], m_partPy[0], m_partPz[0],
m_partEnergy[0], m_partMass[0], m_partStat[0] );
std::cout << "events " << m_events << " " << m_ievent << std::endl;
// HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::print_hepevt();
/* for (int i=1;i<=50;++i){
std::cout << "wrapper gen " << i << " " << HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries() << " " << HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::px(i)<<" " <<
HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::py(i) << " " << HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::pz(i) << " " << HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::e(i) << " " << HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::m(i) << " " << HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(i) << " " << HepMC::HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(i) << std::endl;
// debug printout
/* std::cout << "parameters "<< m_iout << " " << m_ievent << " " << impactParameter << std::endl;
std::cout << "n particles " << nParticles << std::endl;
for (int i=0; i<nParticles; i++){
std::cout << "part " << i << " " << m_partID[i] << " " << m_partStat[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "part x " << m_partPx[i]<< " " << m_partPy[i] << " " << m_partPz[i] << " " << m_partEnergy[i] <<" " << m_partMass[i] << std::endl;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -273,14 +307,20 @@ StatusCode Epos::genFinalize()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
StatusCode Epos::fillEvt( GenEvent* evt )
ATH_MSG_INFO( " EPOS Filling.\n" );
// ATH_MSG_INFO( " EPOS Filling.\n" );
// debug printout
HepMC::IO_HEPEVT hepio;
// evt->print();
evt->set_random_states( m_seeds );
......@@ -296,19 +336,19 @@ StatusCode Epos::fillEvt( GenEvent* evt )
evt->set_beam_particles(beams[0], beams[1]);
/* std::cout << "beam particles" << std::endl;
std::cout << "general print out " << std::endl;
// debug printout
// for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = evt->particles_begin(); p != evt->particles_end(); ++p)
// {
// (*p)->print();
// }
for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = evt->particles_begin(); p != evt->particles_end(); ++p)
// Heavy Ion and Signal ID from Epos to HepMC
HepMC::HeavyIon ion(cevt_.kohevt,
HepMC::HeavyIon ion(cevt_.kohevt,
......@@ -322,7 +362,7 @@ StatusCode Epos::fillEvt( GenEvent* evt )
-1, //c2evt_.fglevt, //correct name but not defined
//an integer ID uniquely specifying the signal process (i.e. MSUB in Pythia)
int sig_id = -1;
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