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Commit a766c267 authored by Nils Ruthmann's avatar Nils Ruthmann Committed by Graeme Stewart
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Add L1XE300 streamer (ATR-14177) (TriggerMenu-00-18-13)

	* Add L1XE300 streamer (ATR-14177)
	* TriggerMenu-00-18-13
2016-05-25 Noam Tal hod and Elisabetta Pianori
        * removed and added some W tag&probe chains as requested by egamma people (ATR-14109)
	* added 2 new groups in, corresponding to the new chains
	* TriggerMenu-00-18-12

2016-05-23 Elisabetta Pianori and Peter Sherwood
	* adjust combined MET+JET chains for new jet TE naming convention (ATR-13526)
	* remove warning for MC menu (ATR-13903)
	*  - replaces MC_pp_V5_dicts.
	* StdOutController - allows stdout to be turned on/off
	* test_functions - make output less verbose, rename some functions.
	* list_sequences - produces a list of sequences calculated using triggerMenuXML_dicts
	* modify sequence aliases so they start with <meaningfulDescription>_<rest> to aid TE name shortening
	* SequenceTree - in the caclulation of the output te name, shorten the alias (see above) to <meaningFulDescription>_<hash(rest)>
	* TriggerMenu-00-18-11

2016-05-20 Emma Torro
        * Fixing errors caused by moving egamma to MC menu (ATR-14059, ATR-14102, ATR-14093)
(Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
parent 291ca2e1
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