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Commit baa10194 authored by Bruno Lenzi's avatar Bruno Lenzi Committed by Graeme Stewart
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egammaTruthAssociationAlg: overwrite truth to reco link only if better matched...

egammaTruthAssociationAlg: overwrite truth to reco link only if better matched in |E/Etrue - 1| (egammaRec-07-01-17)

  * egammaTruthAssociationAlg: overwrite truth to reco link only if better matched in |E/Etrue - 1|
  * egammaRec-07-01-17
parent d2936d8a
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......@@ -235,11 +235,23 @@ template<class T> bool egammaTruthAssociationAlg::decorateWithRecoLink(T* part,
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Truth particle associated to " << name << " not in egamma truth collection");
return true;
ElementLink< DataVector<T> > link(part, *container);
// Check if link is already set and overwrite it only in case of a better match
// defined as a closer Ereco/Etrue - 1
std::string linkName = "reco" + name + "Link";
truthEgamma->auxdata< ElementLink< DataVector<T> > >(linkName) = link;
truthEgamma->auxdata< ElementLink< DataVector<T> > >(linkName).toPersistent();
const T* oldPart = xAOD::EgammaHelpers::getLink<T>(truthEgamma, linkName);
if (oldPart && truthEgamma->e() > 0 &&
fabs( oldPart->e()/truthEgamma->e()-1 ) < fabs( part->e()/truthEgamma->e()-1 ) )
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(truthEgamma << ": " << linkName <<
" already set to a better matched particle: " << part);
return true;
typedef ElementLink< DataVector<T> > link_t;
link_t link(part, *container);
truthEgamma->auxdata< link_t >(linkName) = link;
truthEgamma->auxdata< link_t >(linkName).toPersistent();
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Decorating truth egamma particle with link to " << name << ", index = " << link.index() );
return true;
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