some protection against null pointer (MCTruthClassifier-00-01-32-02)
2015-04-17 Will Buttinger <> * removed CaloCell_ID dependency * for now, eliminate truth particle extrapolating to calorimeter, so that tool works in AthAnalysisBase without heavy dependency 2015-05-28 Oleg Fedin * Fix problem with the Sherpa back looping particles * for mc15 production tagged as MCTruthClassifier-00-01-32-01 2015-05-29 Oleg Fedin * some protection against null pointer * tagged as MCTruthClassifier-00-01-32-02
- PhysicsAnalysis/MCTruthClassifier/MCTruthClassifier/MCTruthClassifier.h 2 additions, 1 deletion...s/MCTruthClassifier/MCTruthClassifier/MCTruthClassifier.h
- PhysicsAnalysis/MCTruthClassifier/src/MCTruthClassifier.cxx 169 additions, 12 deletionsPhysicsAnalysis/MCTruthClassifier/src/MCTruthClassifier.cxx
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