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Commit cff2d1e3 authored by Zach Marshall's avatar Zach Marshall Committed by Graeme Stewart
Browse files

Patching requirements file (MadGraphControl-00-03-01)

parent 35c47775
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......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use MadGraph MadGraph-* External
apply_pattern declare_python_modules files="*.py"
apply_pattern generic_declare_for_link kind=share files='-s=../share *.dat' prefix=share name=<name>
apply_pattern generic_declare_for_link kind=share files='-s=../share *.dat lhapdf-config' prefix=share name=<name>
apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="-s=../share *.py"
This diff is collapsed.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# These variables need to exist
lhabase=$(echo $LHAPATH | awk '{split($1,a,"/share");print a[1];}')
if [[ $# -eq 0 || -n $( echo $* | egrep -- "--help|-h" ) ]]; then
echo "lhapdf-config: configuration tool for the LHAPDF"
echo " parton density function evolution library"
echo ""
echo "Usage: lhapdf-config [[--help|-h] | [--prefix] | [--pdfsets-path]]"
echo "Options:"
echo " --help | -h : show this help message"
echo " --prefix : show the installation prefix (cf. autoconf)"
echo " --incdir : show the path to the LHAPDF header directory (for C++ interface)"
echo " --libdir : show the path to the LHAPDF library directory"
echo " --datadir : show the path to the LHAPDF installed data directory"
echo " --pdfsets-path : show the path to the directory containing the PDF set data files"
echo " --cppflags : get compiler flags for use with the C preprocessor stage of C++ compilation"
echo " --ldflags : get compiler flags for use with the linker stage of any compilation"
echo " --version : returns Rivet release version number"
tmp=$( echo "$*" | egrep -- '--\<prefix\>')
test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT ${prefix}"
tmp=$( echo "$*" | egrep -- '--\<incdir\>')
test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT ${prefix}/include"
tmp=$( echo "$*" | egrep -- '--\<cppflags\>')
test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT -I${prefix}/include"
tmp=$( echo "$*" | egrep -- '--\<libdir\>')
test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT ${exec_prefix}/lib"
tmp=$( echo "$*" | egrep -- '--\<ldflags\>')
test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT -L${exec_prefix}/lib -lLHAPDF"
tmp=$( echo "$*" | egrep -- '--\<datadir\>|--\<datarootdir\>')
test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT $lhabase/share/lhapdf"
tmp=$( echo "$*" | egrep -- '--\<pdfsets-path\>')
test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT $LHAPATH"
## Version
tmp=$( echo "$*" | egrep -- '--\<version\>')
test -n "$tmp" && OUT="$OUT 5.8.9"
echo $OUT
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