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Commit d2c19579 authored by John Derek Chapman's avatar John Derek Chapman Committed by Graeme Stewart
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python/ - Remove deprecated perfMonFile parameters for...

python/ - Remove deprecated perfMonFile parameters for substep transforms. python/ - Specify all pileup and background HITS files as auxilliary. Note, requires support from PyJobTransforms (trunk > 02-03-48, branch > 02-03-32-07). Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-01 (SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-01)

	* python/
	- Remove deprecated perfMonFile parameters for substep transforms
	* python/
	- Specify all pileup and background HITS files as 'auxilliary'
	*** Note, requires support from PyJobTransforms (trunk > 02-03-48,
	    branch > 02-03-32-07)

	* Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-01

2015-03-27  John Chapman  <>

	* share/ - add protection to ensure that
	the SimBarcodeOffset is set to 200k for the MC12 and MC15a
	truth strategies. It will be set to 1M if any other truthStrategy
	value is specified. ATLASSIM-1909

	* Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13
parent 7a36058c
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......@@ -62,29 +62,29 @@ def addSimulationSubstep(executorSet, overlayTransform = False):
def addAtlasG4Substep(executorSet):
executorSet.add(athenaExecutor(name = 'AtlasG4Tf', skeletonFile = 'SimuJobTransforms/',
substep = 'sim', tryDropAndReload = False, perfMonFile = 'ntuple.pmon.gz',
substep = 'sim', tryDropAndReload = False,
def addConfigurableSimSubstep(executorSet, confName, extraSkeleton, confSubStep, confInData, confOutData, confExtraRunargs, confRuntimeRunargs):
executorSet.add(athenaExecutor(name = confName, skeletonFile = extraSkeleton + ['SimuJobTransforms/'],
substep = confSubStep, tryDropAndReload = False, perfMonFile = 'ntuple.pmon.gz',
substep = confSubStep, tryDropAndReload = False,
inData = confInData,
outData = confOutData, extraRunargs = confExtraRunargs, runtimeRunargs = confRuntimeRunargs ))
def addStandardHITSMergeSubstep(executorSet):
executorSet.add(athenaExecutor(name = 'HITSMerge', substep="hitsmerge", skeletonFile = 'SimuJobTransforms/',
tryDropAndReload = False, perfMonFile = 'ntuple_HITSMerge.pmon.gz'))
tryDropAndReload = False, ))
def addAFII_HITSMergeSubstep(executorSet):
executorSet.add(athenaExecutor(name = 'HITSMerge', substep="hitsmerge", skeletonFile = 'SimuJobTransforms/',
tryDropAndReload = False, perfMonFile = 'ntuple_HITSMerge.pmon.gz',
tryDropAndReload = False,
extraRunargs = {'preInclude': ['FastSimulationJobTransforms/','FastCaloSimHit/'],
'postInclude': ['FastCaloSimHit/','FastSimulationJobTransforms/','FastSimulationJobTransforms/']} ))
def addDigitizationSubstep(executorSet):
executorSet.add(athenaExecutor(name = 'HITtoRDO', skeletonFile = 'SimuJobTransforms/',
substep = 'h2r', tryDropAndReload = False, perfMonFile = 'ntuple.pmon.gz',
substep = 'h2r', tryDropAndReload = False,
inData = ['HITS'], outData = ['RDO','RDO_FILT'], runtimeRunargs =
{'LowPtMinbiasHitsFile' : 'runArgs.inputLowPtMinbiasHitsFile',
'HighPtMinbiasHitsFile' : 'runArgs.inputHighPtMinbiasHitsFile',
......@@ -80,19 +80,19 @@ def addPileUpTrfArgs(parser):
help='Calculates the number of background events that will be require for a given pile-up configuration.', group='PileUp')
parser.add_argument('--inputLowPtMinbiasHitsFile','--LowPtMinbiasHitsFile', nargs='+',
type=argFactory(argHITSFile, io='input', executor=['HITtoRDO']),
type=argFactory(argHITSFile, io='input', executor=['HITtoRDO'], auxiliaryFile=True),
help='Input HITS file for low pT minimum bias pile-up sub-events', group='PileUp')
parser.add_argument('--inputHighPtMinbiasHitsFile','--HighPtMinbiasHitsFile', nargs='+',
type=argFactory(argHITSFile, io='input', executor=['HITtoRDO']),
type=argFactory(argHITSFile, io='input', executor=['HITtoRDO'], auxiliaryFile=True),
help='Input HITS file for high pT minimum bias pile-up sub-events', group='PileUp')
parser.add_argument('--inputCavernHitsFile', '--cavernHitsFile', nargs='+',
type=argFactory(argHITSFile, io='input', executor=['HITtoRDO']),
type=argFactory(argHITSFile, io='input', executor=['HITtoRDO'], auxiliaryFile=True),
help='Input HITS file for cavern background sub-events', group='PileUp')
parser.add_argument('--inputBeamHaloHitsFile', '--beamHaloHitsFile', nargs='+',
type=argFactory(argHITSFile, io='input', executor=['HITtoRDO']),
type=argFactory(argHITSFile, io='input', executor=['HITtoRDO'], auxiliaryFile=True),
help='Input HITS file for beam halo sub-events', group='PileUp'),
parser.add_argument('--inputBeamGasHitsFile', '--beamGasHitsFile', nargs='+',
type=argFactory(argHITSFile, io='input', executor=['HITtoRDO']),
type=argFactory(argHITSFile, io='input', executor=['HITtoRDO'], auxiliaryFile=True),
help='Input HITS file for beam gas sub-events', group='PileUp')
......@@ -239,7 +239,10 @@ if hasattr(runArgs, 'truthStrategy'):
ISF_Flags.TruthService = 'ISF_' + runArgs.truthStrategy + 'TruthService'
ISF_Flags.EntryLayerFilter = 'ISF_' + runArgs.truthStrategy + 'EntryLayerFilter'
ISF_Flags.TruthStrategy = runArgs.truthStrategy
simFlags.SimBarcodeOffset = 1000000 #MC15 setting
if 'MC12' == runArgs.truthStrategy or 'MC15a' == runArgs.truthStrategy:
simFlags.SimBarcodeOffset = 200000 #MC12 setting
simFlags.SimBarcodeOffset = 1000000 #MC15 setting
ISF_Flags.BarcodeService = 'Barcode_MC12BarcodeSvc'
ISF_Flags.TruthService = 'ISF_TruthService'
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