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Commit e8124d58 authored by Ioannis Nomidis's avatar Ioannis Nomidis Committed by Graeme Stewart
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muons: enabled binned resolution plots (PhysValMonitoring-00-01-31)

	* enabled binned resolution plots
	* tagging PhysValMonitoring-00-01-31
parent ab52d914
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from MuonPhysValMonitoring.MuonPhysValMonitoringConf import MuonPhysValMonitoring__MuonPhysValMonitoringTool
tool1 = MuonPhysValMonitoring__MuonPhysValMonitoringTool()
# tool1.IsData = True # uncomment to run on data
tool1.DoMuonTrackValidation = True
tool1.DoMuonSegmentValidation = True
tool1.DoBinnedResolutionPlots = False
tool1.DoBinnedResolutionPlots = True
# tool1.MuonTruthParticleContainerName = 'MuonTruthParticle' # uncomment for release 19
#tool1.DoTrigMuonValidation = False
#tool1.DoTrigMuonEFValidation = True
#tool1.DoTrigMuonL2Validation = False
#tool1.DoTrigMuonL1Validation = True
tool1.DoTrigMuonValidation = False
tool1.DoTrigMuonEFValidation = True
tool1.DoTrigMuonL2Validation = False
tool1.DoTrigMuonL1Validation = True
#Select Muon Authors... (empty: all authors, 1: combined, 4: MuTagIMO, 5: Standalone, 6: MuGirl)
tool1.SelectMuonAuthors = [ 1, 4, 5, 6 ]
tool1.SelectMuonAuthors = [ 1, 4 ,5, 6, 8, 9 ]
#Select Muon Categories... (origin of muons, empty: all categories, 0: ALL, 1: PROMPT, 2: IN-FLIGHT, 3: NON-ISOLATED, 4: REST)
tool1.SelectMuonCategories = [ 0, 1 ]
tool1.SelectMuonCategories = [ 0, 1 ] # for data, must be 0 (ALL)
tool1.EnableLumi = False
tool1.OutputLevel = WARNING
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