- Feb 12, 2016
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Elmar Ritsch authored
* test/ISF_Validation_TestConfiguration.xml: Remove <abortOnError /> from FullG4 and ATLFASTII RTT chains. The <abortOnError /> causes the entire chain to stop if any one job fails in the chain, i.e. it even seems to kill already running jobs. ATLASSIM-2411 * Tag ISF_Validation-00-03-13 2016-02-08 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * test/ISF_Validation_TestConfiguration.xml: Fix xml syntax issue in ATLFASTII_ttbar_3digireco RTT job regarding order of asetupParams. ATLASSIM-2411 * Tag ISF_Validation-00-03-12 2016-02-08 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * test/ISF_Validation_TestConfiguration.xml: ** Reduce events processed in ATLFASTII_ttbar RTT from 500 to 250, since new EVNT file causes sim job to run twice as long than before. ATLASSIM-2411 ** Run ATLFASTII_ttbar_3digireco job on release,AtlasProd1 as the 19.2.X.Y-VAL nightly does not support command line used in MC reco production. ATLASSIM-2411 * Tag ISF_Validation-00-03-11
Orel Gueta authored
- Feb 08, 2016
Elmar Ritsch authored
Fix typo in Python configuration that breaks 'MC12G4_longLived' setup. ATLASSIM-2432 (ISF_Config-00-01-18-06)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Update all ATN tests to reflect MC15 production setup. Remove obsolete G4_ttbar, G4_MC15_ttbar and G4_minbias RTT chains. Update ATLFASTII_ttbar RTT chain to reflect MC15 production setup. (ATLASSIM-2411). Add FullG4_LongLived_ZPrime_2evts ATN test. Add FullG4_LongLived_ZPrime RTT chain with regression test. (ISF_Validation-00-03-10)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Link newly created ISFParticle instances to corresponding MC truth HepMC::GenParticle instance. Critical for writing corretly assigned calibration hits in ISF (ATLASSIM-2456) (ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-04-20)
Daniel Hayden authored
Antonio Limosani authored
* Reduce number of events in gen job * RecPerfTests-00-08-10-05
Elmar Ritsch authored
Remove ISF-specific handling of TrackInformation in AthenaStackingAction (ATLASSIM-2456) (G4AtlasAlg-00-04-02-02)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Revert previous changes in this branch + Add pointer to primary (generator) MC truth particle to VTrackInformation. Critical for fix of incorret calibration hits assignment (ATLASSIM-2456) + Introduce more appropriate naming for pointer to base ISFParticle in various TrackInformation classes (MCTruth-00-02-00-03)
James Robinson authored
Improved parameter logging. Added VBF_W, VBF_Z, Wjj and Zjj process (only VBF_W is validated). Support for many updates in process version. (PowhegControl-00-02-17)
Marjorie Shapiro authored
Change events() to events_cons() in MultiLeptonFilter.cxx so that it can get used with --steering=afterburn (GeneratorFilters-00-03-33)
Marjorie Shapiro authored
Elmar Ritsch authored
Associate every G4Track with the corresponding primary (generator) particle in the MC truth and with the most recent ISFParticle instance. Is critical fix for incorrectly assigned calibration hits (ATLASSIM-2456) (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-20)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Improve robustness in HepMC_TruthSvc: abort in case a nullptr is returned as parent particle for given truth incident (ISF_HepMC_Services-00-07-00-01)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Link ISFParticles to their primary (generator) MC truth particle. Fix for incorret calibration hits assignment (ATLASSIM-2456) (ISF_Event-00-08-03-01)
Andrew Haas authored
John Derek Chapman authored
Move G4PolyconeGeoIDSvc.h to src directory. ATLASSIM-1654. Tagging ISF_Geant4CommonServices-00-02-04 (ISF_Geant4CommonServices-00-02-04)
- Feb 02, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Zach Marshall authored
Antonio Limosani authored
Zach Marshall authored
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
- Jan 27, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2015-10-20 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * Added more detailed comparison of parameter defaults * Tagged 00-02-16 2015-10-08 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * Improved management of Powheg output stream handlers to prevent large thread counts 2015-09-24 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * Restored deprecated generateRunCard() and generateEvents() for backwards compatibility * Increased number of user-configurable parameters * Tagged 00-02-15 2015-09-14 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * LHEv3 converter now writes out nominal weight 2015-09-10 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * Added DYNNLO support - manually forces output into LHEv3 format * Fixed random number bug caused by the fact that iseed supercedes pwgseeds.dat * Tagged 00-02-14 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging: Rivet_i-02-01-05 * Add SkipFinalize alg property to avoid calling Rivet's finalize() method. 2015-01-06 <ewelina@mail.desy.de> * Tagging: Rivet_i-02-01-04 * Add use AtlasFastJet into requirements 2014-12-09 Andy Buckley <andy.buckley@cern.ch> * Tagging: Rivet_i-02-01-03 * Use basename rather than full path in conversion to ROOT histograms. 2014-12-09 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * Tagged as Rivet_i-02-01-02 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix obsolete variable, m_resetweight * tag as Sherpa_i-02-00-02
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* initialise prob1=1000 to avoid warnings * tagged Pythia8B_i-00-00-39-02 02-03-2015 James Monk <jmonk@Cern.ch> * Remove Deprecated pythia::statistics call and replace with pythia::stat() * tagged Pythia8B_i-00-00-39-01 10-11-2014 <James.Catmore@cern.ch> * conjugate option for B->J/psi inclusive * tagged as Pythia8B_i-00-00-39
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Updating BSignalFilter to account for intermediate resonances in kinematic cuts (AGENE-1076) 2015-11-08 Chris Hays <Chris.Hays@cern.ch> * Updating VBFMjjIntervalFilter to allow mass window, add gamma & tau overlap removal (ATLMCPROD-2331) 2015-08-25 John Chapman * src/BSignalFilter.cxx, src/MissingEtFilter.cxx, src/SoftLeptonInJetFilter.cxx, src/HTFilter.cxx, src/SusySubprocessFinder.cxx - replace include of TruthUtils/PIDUtils.h with "TruthUtils/PIDHelpers.h for compatibility with TruthUtils trunk. Requires TruthUtils-02-00-09-04 or later. * tagging GeneratorFilters-00-03-29 2015-08-19 Jim Henderson <James.Henderson@cern.ch> * Removing changes from 2015-07-16 and 2015-07-16 due to MCTruthClassifier issues * Re-adding TrimuMassRangeFilter * Tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-28 2015-07-24 Jim Henderson <James.Henderson@cern.ch> * Adding TrimuMassRangeFilter, AGENE-1003 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Adding an explicit option to save process dir when running arrange output - if not set, the directory will be removed * Using that option for simplified models instead of doing the remove there * Tagging: MadGraphControl-00-05-25 2015.08.11 Josh McFayden <mcfayden@cern.ch> * Updating generate_from_gridpack for NLO * Tagging: MadGraphControl-00-05-24 2015.08.10 Josh McFayden <mcfayden@cern.ch> * Updating arrange_output to use is_NLO_run * Fixing run_name for NLO generate_from_gridpack 2015.08.10 Josh McFayden <mcfayden@cern.ch> * Adding is_NLO_run function and adding real=QCD case * Tagging: MadGraphControl-00-05-23 2015.08.10 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Removing unnecessary config code ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/GenEventStackFiller.cxx: fixing uninitialized 'extrabc' variable (CID 32715, ATLASSIM-2414) * tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-04 2015-11-04 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfig.py (getGenEventVertexPositioner): use ISF_VertexPositionFromFile if ISF_Flags.VertexPositionFromFile is set to be true. ATLASSIM-2326 * tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-03 2015-10-30 Andy Haas * src/VertexPositionFromFile.cxx - fix memory crash when reading in from file, adjust DEBUG messages. ATLASSIM-492 * tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-02 2015-08-25 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * src/GenParticleSimWhiteList.cxx - use TruthUtils/PIDHelpers.h rather than TruthUtils/PIDUtils.h. Requires TruthUtils-02-00-09-04 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* python/ISF_ToolsConfig.py, python/ISF_ToolsConfigDb.py - add EntryLayerFilter configuration for MC12LLP truth strategy. ATLASSIM-2129 * tag as ISF_Tools-00-04-08
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* cmt/requirements - Fix for race condition in creation of python directory in the InstallArea. ATLASSIM-2050. * tagging ISF_Geant4CommonServices-00-02-05
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/EntryLayerTool.cxx: minor code style improvements (ATLASSIM-2263) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4CommonTools-00-03-08 2015-08-05 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * Updating and refactoring EntryLayerTool.h/cxx due to new IEntryLayerTool interface definition (ATLASSIM-1868) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4CommonTools-00-03-07
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* ATLJETMET-372 * Root/JetTruthParticleSelectorTool.cxx : fix bugs in isWZDecay * thanks to T.J. Khoo * change intended to go in 19.2.3.X releases. * JetSimTools-00-02-09-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* test/ISF_Validation_TestConfiguration.xml: removing faulty ATN test 'G4ZLeptonsConeSticky_FatrasID_FastCalo_2evts' (ATLASSIM-2082) * tagging ISF_Validation-00-03-09 2015-11-20 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * test/ISF_Validation_TestConfiguration.xml: adding new FullG4_ttbar job and FullG4_minbias full chain test. Both are MC15 production-like setups and will replace older tests soon * tagging ISF_Validation-00-03-08 2015-06-22 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * test/ISF_Validation_TestConfiguration.xml: ** updating regression tests to use new common DCube xml files placed under 'MCProd' in the RTT DCube reference directory (should fix ATLASSIM-2073) ** moving old 'MC12' references to 'MCProd' directory for 'G4_minbias_4reco' job * tagging ISF_Validation-00-03-07 2015-06-18 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* tagging GeneratorObjectsAthenaPool-00-08-01 * cmt/requirements - cleaning up checkreq warnings in requirements files.