- Feb 20, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Graeme Stewart authored
* Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-32-05 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-32-05)
James William Monk authored
* Improved Generate_tf from Graeme Stewart allows afterburner to be called from Generate_tf (no separate transform required) 2015-02-18 James Monk <jmonk@cern.ch> * Add AfterBurner_tf.py for running afterburner on EVNT_Pre input * Add skeleton.ABtoEVGEN.py as the skeleton * Allow EVNT_Pre output type from Generate_tf.py * Remove CopyEventWeights from skeleton.ABtoEvgen.py 2015-02-18 E. M. Lobodzinska <ewelina@mail.desy.de> * tagging EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-15 * extend the JOPTSEARCHPATH to all directories and subdirectories of MC15JobOptions 2015-02-02 E. M. Lobodzinska <ewelina@mail.desy.de> * tagging EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-14 * switch to keywords from MC15JobOptions
Sarka Todorova authored
John Derek Chapman authored
src/TransportTool.cxx (G4TransportTool): add missing declarePropety line for QuasiStableParticlesIncluded property. ATLASSIM-526. Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-33 (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-33)
John Derek Chapman authored
python/iGeant4.py (iGeant4.__init__): Add a check on ISF_Flags.Simulator to check for longLived and switch off quasi-stable particle-related warnings in that case. Temporary measure until a better solution can be found. ATLASSIM-526. Requires ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-33 or later. Tag ISF_Geant4Config-00-01-19 (ISF_Geant4Config-00-01-19)
John Derek Chapman authored
src/HepMC_Truth.cxx - fix typo in configurable property name added in previous tag. ATLASSIM-526. python/ISF_HepMC_ServicesConfig.py - tidy up configuration to share repeated lines. Add a check on ISF_Flags.Simulator to check for longLived and switch off warnings in that case. Temporary measure until a better solution can be found. ATLASSIM-526. Tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-03 (ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-03)
Marjorie Shapiro authored
Sabine Elles authored
Sabine Elles authored
James Robinson authored
Daniel Hayden authored
Ruslan Mashinistov authored
Shaun Roe authored
Shaun Roe authored
Sarka Todorova authored
- Feb 16, 2015
John Derek Chapman authored
EntryLayerTool: set TrackRecord time using ISFParticle::timeStamp in convert method. ATLASSAIM-1808. Tagging ISF_Geant4CommonTools-00-03-03-02 (ISF_Geant4CommonTools-00-03-03-02)
John Derek Chapman authored
scripts/TestBeam_tf.py - add missing executable property. Tagging SimuJobTransforms-00-28-10 (SimuJobTransforms-00-28-10)
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Xiaohu Sun authored
Antonio Limosani authored
- Feb 13, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix a bug in the particle decay vertex time * tag as ParticleDecayer-00-00-19 2014-12-11 Antonio Policicchio <Antonio.Policicchio@cern.ch> * fix a bug in the particle decay vertex time * tag as ParticleDecayer-00-00-18
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Add ITk ring layout geometry xml file * Tag as InDetIdDictFiles-00-00-09
Sarka Todorova authored
* fix crash at the world boundary * tag as TrkExTools-03-00-34-09 2015-02-09 Sharka Todorova <sarka.todorova@cern.ch> * fix the exit from alignable volume * tag as TrkExTools-03-00-34-08
Peng Jiang authored
ATLASSIM-1825. (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-29) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-29 * Add protection to avoid crash from "GetPostStepLogicalVolume". ATLASSIM-1825. 2015-02-05 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-28 * src/TrackProcessorUserAction.cxx - remove duplicated setting of entries in m_parentISPmap, should result in a 2% reduction in CPU time. obo Peng Jiang. ATLASSIM-1754. 2015-02-05 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-27 * TransportTool: add QuasiStableParticlesIncluded configurable property to suppress warning messages when behaviour is expected. ATLASSIM-526.
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
* Using new values in the GeoConfig enum: GEO_RUN3 and GEO_TESTBEAM 2015-01-30 Vakho Tsulaia <tsulaia@cern.ch> * Using new values in the GeoConfig enum: GEO_ITk and GEO_RUN4
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Adding two new values to the GeoConfig enum: GEO_RUN3 and GEO_TESTBEAM (GeoModelInterfaces-00-00-05) * Adding two new values to the GeoConfig enum: GEO_RUN3 and GEO_TESTBEAM 2015-01-30 Vakho Tsulaia <tsulaia@cern.ch> * Adding two new values to the GeoConfig enum: GEO_ITk and GEO_RUN4
Jochen Meyer authored
* fixing issue in src/Station.cxx regarding amdbOrigine_along_length introduced in previous tag * tagging MuonGeoModel-01-08-09 2015-01-19 P.-F. Giraud * Get rid of code relying on a unique value of MDT pitch for all chambers, accounting for sMDT chambers (BME) mismatch on Barrel side C chambers * tagging MuonGeoModel-01-08-08 2015-01-19 Jochen Meyer <jomeyer@mail.cern.ch> * tagging MuonGeoModel-01-08-07 * addressing coverity defects 11646, 11262-3, 11890, 11950, 28670-1 2014-12-06 Jochen Meyer <jomeyer@mail.cern.ch> * tagging MuonGeoModel-01-08-06 * addressing coverity defects: 11267-9, 11380, 11491-3, 11548-50, 11646, 11648, 11660, 11758, 11888-92, 11901-4, 11950, 11960, 12004-6, 12035, ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
David Martin Bjergaard authored
Stefania Spagnolo authored
return null pointer if rpcreadoutelements are requested with indices out of range, instead of throwing exceptions (MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-03) * tagging MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-03 * src/MuonDetectorManager.cxx (getRpcReadoutElement): return null pointer if rpcreadoutelements are requested with indices out of range, instead of throwing exceptions 2015-01-19 P.-F. Giraud * Add and use data members containing MDT inner radius and tube wall thickness, avoiding use of generic value for all chambers. Necessary for sMDT (BME). * Changes to MdtReadoutElement: fix bug introduced in eigen migration in fromIdealToDeformed; call deformation function using end-plug positions only * MuonStation: getUpdatedBlineFixedPointInAmdbLRS: fix implementation for barrel C side chambers. * tagging MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-02 2014-12-10 Jochen Meyer * MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-01 * assert becomes throw * addressing coverity defects: 11392-5, 11402, 11467, 11524, 11560, 11576-7 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
share/G4particle_whitelist.txt - remove particles not in PDGTABLE.MEV file. ATLASSIM-1795. Tagging: EvgenProdTools-00-02-04 (EvgenProdTools-00-02-04) * Tagging: EvgenProdTools-00-02-04 * share/G4particle_whitelist.txt - remove particles not in PDGTABLE.MEV file. ATLASSIM-1795 2015-01-27 Andy Buckley <andy.buckley@cern.ch> * Tagging: EvgenProdTools-00-02-03 * Set FixHepMC's 'loops by barcode' option to default to false, since it's caused problems in non-Sherpa samples.
John Derek Chapman authored
add python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfigDb.py - to define ConfGetter methods. Requires ISF_Config-00-01-14. Move header files to src directory. ATLASSIM-1654. cmt/requirements - adapt use statements to header files being moved to src directory. Tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-03-00 (ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-03-00) * add python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfigDb.py - to define ConfGetter methods. Requires ISF_Config-00-01-14. * Move header files to src directory. ATLASSIM-1654. * cmt/requirements - adapt use statements to header files being moved to src directory. * tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-03-00 2014-12-17 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * GenEventStackFiller: fixing coverity issue CID 13415 (ATLASSIM-1712) * tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-02-16
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ISF_HepMC_ServicesConfig.py - remove unnecessary calls to getPublicTool. It is sufficient to use the name of the name of the tools. Add python/ISF_HepMC_ServicesConfigDb.py - Requires ISF_Config-00-01-14. HepMC_Truth.h - move to src directory. ATLASSIM-1654. cmt/requirements - update use statements after header file move. Tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-00 (ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-00) * python/ISF_HepMC_ServicesConfig.py - remove unnecessary calls to getPublicTool. It is sufficient to use the name of the tools. * add python/ISF_HepMC_ServicesConfigDb.py - Requires ISF_Config-00-01-14. * HepMC_Truth.h - move to src directory. ATLASSIM-1654. * cmt/requirements - update use statements after header file move. * tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-00
Zach Marshall authored
Updating to 2.2.2_p2 to add light mediator Higgs DM models, effective DM models with a scalar mediator, and a left-right symmetric model (MadGraph-00-01-12) * Updating to 2.2.2_p2 to add light mediator Higgs DM models, effective DM models with a scalar mediator, and a left-right symmetric model * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-12 2015.01.07 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Updating to 2.2.2_p1 to add a type-III seesaw, Higgs characterization models, and anomalous gauge coupling models * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-11 2014.12.11 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Updating to 2.2.2_p0 to add a B' VLQ model * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-10 2014.11.25 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Updating to 2.2.2 * Adding three dark matter models obo D. Salek * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-09 2014.10.21 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Updating to 2.2.1_p0 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Nicholas Styles authored
* Add further folders obo A. Alonso Diaz * Tagged as InDetCondFolders-00-00-07 2015-01-28 Frederick Luehring <Fred.Luehring@cern.ch> * Add TRT conditions folders to define mixed Xe/Ar geometries: * conddb.addFolderSplitOnline("TRT","/TRT/Onl/Cond/StatusHT","/TRT/Cond/StatusHT") * tag as InDetCondFolders-00-00-06 * Comment for InDetCondFolders-00-00-05 seens to be missing.
Will Buttinger authored
* Root/PathResolver.cxx: Remove rogue debugging message. And ensured we will never download back to the www area (only affected people with write access there!)
Ignacio Aracena authored
* CSCcablingSvc.cxx : allow RUN3 and RUN4 geometries * CSCcabling-00-00-15 2014-12-04 Jochen Meyer <jomeyer@mail.cern.ch> * CSCcabling-00-00-14 * fixing coverity defect 11990
James Robinson authored
* Tagged 00-02-00 (trijet still not validated) * Added HJ, HJJ, ST_wtch_DR 23-11-14 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * All processes for 00-01-XX release validated except trijet 14-11-14 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * Changed structure ready for 00-01-XX release * Reconfigured some parameters into decorator functions
Nicholas Styles authored
* Downgrade WARNING to DEBUG when set to not use MagFieldSvc * Tagged as SiLorentzAngleSvc-01-00-04