- Feb 18, 2015
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* tag 00-00-21 * Update to AthAlgTool, clear up dependencies
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* complete migration to HitPattern() * TrigInDetVxInJetTool-00-00-12 tagged
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* minor updates * TrigmuIso-00-00-56 2015-01-14 Stefano Giagu <Stefano.Giagu@cern.ch> * migrated to new xAOD EDM * TrigmuIso-00-00-55 2014-10-05 Stefano Giagu <Stefano.Giagu@cern.ch> * clean up (removed caloID part moved to EF) * migrated to new xAOD EventInfo * TrigmuIso-00-00-54
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging: Rivet_i-02-01-05 * Add SkipFinalize alg property to avoid calling Rivet's finalize() method.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2015-02-04 E. M. Lobodzinska <ewelina@mail.desy.de> * tagging as FlowAfterburner-00-03-02
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix a bug in the particle decay vertex time * tag as ParticleDecayer-00-00-19 2014-12-11 Antonio Policicchio <Antonio.Policicchio@cern.ch> * fix a bug in the particle decay vertex time * tag as ParticleDecayer-00-00-18
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix mem leaks ATLASRECTS-1633 * MuonCombinedTestTools-00-00-32
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/TrackRecordFilter.cxx: Fixing careless mistake in CHECK * tagging as MCTruthAlgs-00-03-12 2015-02-08 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * src/TrackRecordFilter.cxx: Attempting to fix resource leak, coverity defect 29064 * tagging as MCTruthAlgs-00-03-11
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* InDetConversionTrackSelectorTool: eProbabilityComb -> eProbabilityHT for TRT PID * Reverting changes from Javier Jimenez Pena (rev 646534) that never went into a tag after 3 months * tag InDetTrackSelectorTool-01-00-12
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Converity fixes for 14444 * Tagged as TrkAlignInterfaces-00-09-03
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Coverity fixes for 14509 and 13659 * Tagged as TrkAlignGenAlgs-02-00-03
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fix gcc checker warning (switch to AthAlgTool).
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fix coverity issue 14204 (Possible resource leak) apparently second occurrence. * Tag TrkFitterUtils-04-00-08 * Tagging TrkFitterUtils-04-00-05. * src/DNA_MaterialEffects.cxx: Fix typo in copy constructor.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* replace BOH with BME, add BMG * Tag as MuonAlignExample-00-03-04
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging G4SimTPCnv-00-02-01. * Remove unused ARA converter dictionaries.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2015-02-09 Goetz Gaycken * fixed checkreq version (removed version number in use statements).
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging xAODEventFormat-00-00-15. * Additions to work better with calls from python: * xAODEventFormat/selection.xml: Add missing iterator class. * xAODEventFormat/versions/EventFormat_v1.h, Root/EventFormat_v1.cxx: Add flag to get() methods to allow suppressing printouts to cerr. Add dump() method for easier use from python.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging AthContainersInterfaces-00-01-33. * AthContainersInterfaces/AuxStore_traits.h: Fix clang warning.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging IOVDbMetaDataTools-00-00-46. * IOVDbMetaDataTools/IIOVDbMetaDataTool.h: Fix header guard.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging LArTrackingGeometry-01-00-18. * src/LArVolumeBuilder.cxx (trackingVolumes): Fix clang warning (uninitialized variable). * memory leak fix - unused gap volumes * memory leak fix
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging LArGeoHec-00-00-39. * HECClampConstruction, HECWheelConstruction: Fix clang warnings (remove unused private members).
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* move to AthService and AthAlgorithm to remove compilation warnings (package still to be removed eventually) * Tag DetectorStatus-00-05-02 2014-10-19 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Change to a dual_use library because cmake does not export header files corresponding to component libraries. This pollutes the linkopts slightly, but should otherwise be backwards compatible. * Tagged as DetectorStatus-00-05-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* migrate to use AthAlgorithm and ATH_MSG_XYZ * tagged as DetDescrCondExample-01-00-00-02 2014-08-29 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Add definition of the ROOT components for the cmake-based build. This is totally transparent to the CMT-based build * Tagged as DetDescrCondExample-01-00-00-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fixing some more Coverity issues * tag as PixelConditionsData-00-10-04
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Addressing covertiy #16931 * i.e. initialising pointers to nullptr * TopPhysValMonitoring-00-00-05 2014-11-11 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * src/TopPhysValMonitoring_entries.cxx Replace #include "../TopPhysValMonitoring/TopPhysValMonitoring.h" by #include "TopPhysValMonitoring/TopPhysValMonitoring.h" * Tagged as TopPhysValMonitoring-00-00-04 28.05.2014 Markus Cristinziani <cristinz@uni-bonn.de> * Removed spurious ETmiss directory
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fix Coverity 17099 (Medium) Uninitialized pointer field :/PhysicsAnalysis/HiggsPhys/HSG5/HSG5DPDUtils/src/LeptonFilter.cxx in function "LeptonFilter" * tagging HSG5DPDUtils-00-08-12
Pierfrancesco Butti authored
* fix to the following coverity issues * coverity 16285,16403,28956,16376,16375,16297,16378,16379 * coverity 16396
Graeme Stewart authored
- Remove never implemented transform.doTrfValidation method - Update file validation routines to support new fileValidation style boolean arguments * python/trfArgs.py - Refactor getting extra DPD list to getExtraDPDList() function - Support new NTUPMergerArgs flag to addExtraDPDTypes, adding input and output merge file arguments - Add new fileValidation style boolean arguments to addFileValidationArguments * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-40 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-40) * python/transform.py - Remove never implemented transform.doTrfValidation method - Update file validation routines to support new fileValidation style boolean arguments * python/trfArgs.py - Refactor getting extra DPD list to getExtraDPDList() function - Support new NTUPMergerArgs flag to addExtraDPDTypes, adding input and output merge file arguments - Add new fileValidation style boolean arguments to addFileValidationArguments * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-40
Sarka Todorova authored
* memory leak fix (minor) * Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-21 2015-02-15 Sharka Todorova <sarka.todorova@cern.ch> * memory leak fix in the Extrapolator (found by G.Gaycken) * Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-20 2015-02-12 Sharka Todorova <sarka.todorova@cern.ch> * fix for an invalid read in the Extrapolator * Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-18,19 2015-02-10 Sharka Todorova <sarka.todorova@cern.ch> * bugfixing the timed transport/extrapolation * Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-17 2015-02-06 Sharka Todorova <sarka.todorova@cern.ch> * resolve the exit from the alignable volume in the timed transport * Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-16
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Calo frame coordinates * TrigValAlgs-00-01-08
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
fix BS to ESD ATN test setup,fix RTT RDOtoESDAOD_MC_pp_v5_loose_mc_prescale setup,hack the Valgrind and IGPROF test setups to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils,re-activate all HLT_monitoring tools in testAthenaTrigESD_HLTMonitoring.py (TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-88) * add trigEDM and trigTDT checks for what again? cosmics? * Figure out config / tags for BackComp tests .... - check the Reco_TF RTTs 2015-02-16 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * fix BS to ESD ATN test setup * fix RTT RDOtoESDAOD_MC_pp_v5_loose_mc_prescale setup * hack the Valgrind setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils * hack the IGprof setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils * re-activate all HLT_monitoring tools in testAthenaTrigESD_HLTMonitoring.py * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-87 & TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-88 2015-02-12 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * fix AthenaTrigRDOtoESDAOD_Physics setup typo * adjust the RTT EDM and TDT chains from sequential purly to seq(AOD prod) -> TDT&EDM(parallel) * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-86 2015-02-11 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * update ATN and RTT input RDOs to phys val sampleA * TrigAnalysisTest-00-03-85 2015-02-08 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
hack the Valgrind setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils,fix RTT MC_pp_v5_loose_mc_prescale setup (TriggerTest-00-06-94) * hack the Valgrind setup to patch Dso.py from Tools/PyUtils * fix RTT MC_pp_v5_loose_mc_prescale setup * TriggerTest-00-06-93 & TriggerTest-00-06-94 2015-02-12 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * fix duplicate in requirements file to omit nicos warning * TriggerTest-00-06-92 2015-02-11 Francesca Pastore * updated (and cleaned) AthenaTrigRDO_L2EFMerging, becoming AthenaTrigBS_L2EFMerging * TriggerTest-00-06-91 2015-02-10 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * move RTT MinBias Test back to mc12_8TeV.119994.Pythia8_A2MSTW2008LO_minbias_inelastic sample * TriggerTest-00-06-90 2015-02-09 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * remove the TrigCostMon from BPhys_AOD test as it crashed when combined with reco/offline algos * TriggerTest-00-06-89 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
Graeme Stewart authored
- In addNTUPMergeSubsteps() also take Tier-0 NTUPs from trfArgs.getExtraDPDList * scripts/NTUPMerge_tf.py - Use trfArgs.addExtraDPDTypes to add extra NTUP file arguments * Tag as PATJobTransforms-00-05-42 (PATJobTransforms-00-05-42) * python/PATTransformUtils.py - In addNTUPMergeSubsteps() also take Tier-0 NTUPs from trfArgs.getExtraDPDList * scripts/NTUPMerge_tf.py - Use trfArgs.addExtraDPDTypes to add extra NTUP file arguments * Tag as PATJobTransforms-00-05-42
Rafal Bielski authored
* tagging MuonRegionSelector-01-00-05 * RPC_RegionSelectoTable: fix wrong phi ranges in the table; reduce amount of information printed out 2015-02-09 Rafal Bielski <rafal.bielski@cern.ch> * tagging MuonRegionSelector-01-00-04 * RPC_RegionSelectorTable: create table with smaller RegSelModules, each with unique PRD HashId - ROB Id combination + masking HashIds to avoid duplicates * new class RPC_RegSelLUT : deriving from RegSelSiLUT and implementing unmasking of the PRD HashIds
Mark Hodgkinson authored
Ensure layer energies for topoclusters are calculated before cluster moments, which relies on them. Tag as eflowRec-00-05-35 (eflowRec-00-05-35) Ensure layer energies for topoclusters are calculated before cluster moments, which relies on them. Tag as eflowRec-00-05-35 13 February 2015 Mark Hodgkinson Update to bug fix in eflowCellSubtractionFacilitator - see ATLASRECTS-1636 Tag as eflowRec-00-05-34 13 February 2015 Mark Hodgkinson Fix bug in eflowCellSubtractionFacilitator - see ATLASRECTS-1636 Fix some checkreq warnings. Tag as eflowRec-00-05-33 30 January 2015 Mark Hodgkinson Remove eflowTrackExtrapolationTool Tag as eflowRec-00-05-32
Siarhei Harkusha authored
updated TileCellMonTool to split histogram with occupancy over threshold into two histograms for high and low gains separated (TileMonitoring-00-07-33) * TileCellMonTool: updated to split histogram with occupancy over threshold into two histograms for high and low gains separated; * Tagged TileMonitoring-00-07-33 2015-02-11 Siarhei Harkusha <Siarhei.Harkusha@cern.ch> * Fix coverity warnings * Tagged TileMonitoring-00-07-32