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  1. Jul 08, 2015
  2. Jul 02, 2015
    • Vakhtang Tsulaia's avatar
      SIGKILL children instead of relying on SIGHUP (AthenaMP-01-02-30-03) · 6f19a54c
      Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
      	* SIGKILL children instead of relying on SIGHUP
    • Vakhtang Tsulaia's avatar
      Introducing killChildren() (AthenaMPTools-00-02-37-01) · 8183c6c2
      Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
      	* Introducing killChildren()
    • Karsten Koeneke's avatar
      'Ensure that the CutFlow bookkeeping is always done' (RecExCommon-00-14-32-01) · cb29e0e7
      Karsten Koeneke authored
        * share/ Ensure that the CutFlow bookkeeping is always done.
        * Tagging as RecExCommon-00-14-32-01
        * share/ Schedule EventInfoUnlocker if doESDReconstruction is true
        * Tagging as RecExCommon-00-14-32
        * Testing/Reference_RecExCommonTesting.log: update, based on 20.1.X-VAL,rel_5
        * Tagging as RecExCommon-00-14-31
        * share/ update default input file
        * share/ update default input file
        * Testing/Reference_RecExCommonTesting.log: update, based on 20.1.X-VAL,rel_2
        * Tagging as RecExCommon-00-14-30
        * share/ remove temporary fix that was added -27
        * Tagging as RecExCommon-00-14-29
        * Tagging RecExCommon-00-14-28.
        * share/ Set error message limit to 500.
        when neither an ESD or an AOD file is getting written in
        the job.
        we understand what actually is going on there.
        the two new metadata tools.
    • Karsten Koeneke's avatar
      'Add decault input stream name' (EventBookkeeperTools-00-00-82) · 57733e35
      Karsten Koeneke authored
        * Add a decault unput stream name
        * Tagging EventBookkeeperTools-00-00-82
      2015-06-28  Karsten Koeneke  <>
        * Ensure AllExecutedEvents algorithm is added after xAOD::EventInfoCnvAlg
        * Tagging EventBookkeeperTools-00-00-81
      2015-04-21  Karsten Koeneke  <>
        * Add option to add AllExecutedEvents algorithm in place into the sequence
        * Tagging EventBookkeeperTools-00-00-79
    • Ryan Mackenzie White's avatar
      TProfile efficiency (TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-00-59) · 894f49e8
      Ryan Mackenzie White authored
         * Fix compiler warnings
         * Use TProfile for efficiency
         * Fill HLT / Offline distributions
         * Remove unneeded methods
         * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-00-59
      2015-06-23  Nikolai.Hartmann  <>
          * Adding histograms for ptcone20 resolution
          * Adding flag for applying isolation to offline electrons
          * Temporarily reactivating lumiBlockMuTool
    • Brian Thomas Amadio's avatar
    • Sasha Mazurov's avatar
      Hanno's changes (from TrigT1CaloCalibTools-00-05-45): · 54c3ed0b
      Sasha Mazurov authored
          * Move 2D-Pedestal- and 2D-PedestalCorrectionVsBCIDVsLumiBlock summary histograms to
      stability monitoring
           - Add respective histograms to L1CaloPprPedestalPlotManager and
      Scott's changes ((from TrigT1CaloCalibTools-00-05-44):
          - Avoid redundant divisions. (TrigT1CaloCalibTools-00-05-42-01)
      	* Hanno's changes:
      		* Move 2D-Pedestal- and 2D-PedestalCorrectionVsBCIDVsLumiBlock summary histograms to stability monitoring
      		 - Add respective histograms to L1CaloPprPedestalPlotManager and L1CaloPprPedestalCorrectionPlotManager
          * Scott's changes:
          	- Avoid redundant divisions.
      	* Tag as TrigT1CaloCalibTools-00-05-42-01
      	  (this branch is used for 20.1.X.Y-VAL and 20.2.X.Y.Z. Next version should go to dev)
    • Sasha Mazurov's avatar
      JEPCMXMon: · c8d2e511
      Sasha Mazurov authored
      - Fix ATR-11607 - many FPEs in L1CaloMonManager.
        Remove "Forward Jet Multiplicity per Threshold" histogram (TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-44)
        * JEPCMXMon:
          - Fix ATR-11607 - many FPEs in L1CaloMonManager.
            Remove "Forward Jet Multiplicity per Threshold" histogram
        * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-44
      2015-06-26 Hanno Meyer zu Theenhausen <>
        * Move 2D-Pedestal- and 2D-PedestalCorrectionVsBCIDVsLumiBlock summary histograms to stability monitoring
         - Moved parsing of LHC bunch structure from PPrMon.cxx to PPrStabilityMon.cxx
        * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-43
      2015-06-21 Ivana Hristova <>
        * src/CPSimMon.cxx: fix PPM to CPM trigger tower mismatch errors
         - Replaced tt->e() with tt->cpET()
         - Em and Had histograms filled in separate loops according to tt->layer()
        * in L1Calo/CPM/Errors/Transmission_Simulation/PPM2CMPTowers
        * JIRA bug ATLLONECAL-37
        * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-42
      2015-06-14 Kate Whalen <>
        * src/CPMon.cxx: fix ppm 2d EM/Had etaphi hitmaps to fill properly
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)