- Jun 14, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Eric Torrence authored
* Protect against running on MC * tag as LumiBlockComps-01-00-13 2015-06-10 Marjorie Shapiro <mdshapiro@lbl.gov * Update to use xAOD::LumiBlockRangeCollection * tag as LumiBlockComps-01-00-12 2015-06-10 Eric Torrence <eric.torrence@cern.ch> * Fix bug with MuToLumi value * tag as LumiBlockComps-01-00-11
Tony Tong authored
Paul James Laycock authored
Ioannis Nomidis authored
Ioannis Nomidis authored
Antonio Limosani authored
* Ensure steps log are dumped into log * RecPerfTests-00-08-24
Walter Lampl authored
Walter Lampl authored
Walter Lampl authored
Nicholas Styles authored
* Add ForceNewDBContent flag for ITK (mimics behaviour of post run 1 layout && run 2 run number) * Revert m_useDBForHV to false (same as run 1 and mc15a, for run 2 data set true via python configurable - may want to be revisited for next MC processing: ATLASRECTS-2177) * Tagged as PixelConditionsServices-00-24-20 2015-05-28 F. Djama * Force DB for HV (for data) * Tagged as PixelConditionsServices-00-24-19
Veit Lorenz Scharf authored
revert compatibility with TrigT1CaloEvent-00-01-18 to preserve Frozen Tier-0 for a patch (TrigT1CaloSim-00-02-29-08) * undo compatibility with TrigT1CaloEvent-00-01-18 * Tag as TrigT1CaloSim-00-02-29-08 2015-06-08 Veit Scharf <veit.scharf@kip.uni-heidelberg.de> * TrigT1CaloSimJobOptions_ReadTT.py: fix ATR-11462 * Tag as TrigT1CaloSim-00-02-29-07 2015-06-05 Veit Scharf <veit.scharf@kip.uni-heidelberg.de> * merge from trunk: * Adjust TrigT1CaloSimJobOtions_ReadTT.py to work with Run-1 data * Tag as TrigT1CaloSim-00-02-29-06 2015-05-27 Veit Scharf <veit.scharf@kip.uni-heidelberg.de> * merge from trunk: * reintegrate changes from devbranches/fix-coverity into trunk: * TriggerTowerMaker: fix Coverity issues 14980, 15129, 15130, 15165, 15941, 16152 * JetCMX: fix Coverity issue 19427 * CPMSim: fix Coverity issue 19433 * Run2CPMTowerMaker: produce xAOD::CPMTower (Alan) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-41 * update documentation 2015-06-10 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-40 * add hist multiplicity histograms 2015-06-09 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-39 * add rec d0 vs phi plot 2015-06-08 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-38 * change default reference Si hit requirement 2015-06-07 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-37 * additional histograms and fixes for Shifter histograms 2015-06-05 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-42 * reduce number of monitored minbias chains 2015-06-08 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-41 * fix minBias chains 2015-06-08 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-40 * change reference si hit requirement 2015-06-08 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-39 * fix minBias chains 2015-06-07 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-38 * extra printout in hanconfig utility 2015-06-05 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Thorsten Wengler authored
moved code depending on ctpVersion from initialise to beginRun, i.e. after the DSConfigSvc callback (TrigT1CTP-03-00-65) * CTPSimulation: move code relying on ctpversion from initialise() to beginRun(), i.e. after DSConfigSvc callback * TrigT1CTP-03-00-65
Pierfrancesco Butti authored
* fix issue with Efficiencies vs LB
Veit Lorenz Scharf authored
fix order of arguments in constructor of L1CaloPprConditionsRun2 (TrigT1CaloCalibConditions-00-03-26) * src/L1CaloPprConditionsContainerRun2.cxx (makeTransient): fix order of arguments in the constructor of L1CaloPprConditionsRun2 * Tag as TrigT1CaloCalibConditions-00-03-26
Julie Kirk authored
* build/TrigInDetValidation_el_ttbar_pu138_run2.xml:inc events from 100 to 300 * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-40
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigInDetAnalysisUtils-00-01-67 * fix fullscan Roi
Mark Sutton authored
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Veit Lorenz Scharf authored
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
* share/RecoUtilsForTF1.py: Remove JobOptions for TF1 testing. * share/RecoUtils.py: Modify POOL settings (AutoFlush) for ESD to archive smaller disk size, less VMEM and better sequential read speed. * tagging RecExCommon-00-14-33
Alan Watson authored
* L1CPMTowerTools: add method to create xAOD::CPMTower * L1CPMTools: use xAOD::CPMTower as input * Tag as TrigT1CaloTools-03-06-13
Alan Watson authored
* IL1CPMTowerTools, IL1CPMTools: use xAOD::CPMTower as input * Tag as TrigT1CaloToolInterfaces-00-01-03
Alan Watson authored
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Goetz Gaycken authored
- Jun 09, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Simone Pagan Griso authored
* Improved IDTR1 for studies needed on first data. * Tagging as DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-33 2015-06-03 Olivier Arnaez <olivier.arnaez@cern.ch> * UnassociatedHitsDecorator.cxx: adding protection against failing getter * LArCollisionTimeDecorator.cxx: adding protection against missing LArCollisionTime * Tagging as DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-32 2015-06-03 James Catmore <james.catmore@cern.ch> * Removing wildcards * Tagging as DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-31
Julie Kirk authored
* build/TrigInDetValidation_bjet_run2.xml: updates for bjet tests * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-38 * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-39 when I remembered to actually build the new .xml * build/TrigInDetValidation_el_ttbar_pu138_run2.xml: inc events from 10 to 100 * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-37 * updates for tau chains * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-36 2015-06-02 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus0023.cern.ch> * build/TrigInDetValidation_el_single_e_7-80_larged0_PU.xml: add test for larged0 electrons with PU * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-35 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Julie Kirk authored
* share/TIDAdata11-rtt.dat : add tau FTF chain for tau55_idperf_track * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-90 2015-06-05 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-89 * fix SuperRoi Filter 2015-06-02 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-88 * fix RoiDescriptor filtering 2015-06-02 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-87 * add composite RoiDescriptor filtering 2015-05-28 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus0084.cern.ch> * share/TIDAdata11-rtt.dat (testChains): add Bjet FTF chain for j55_bperf * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-03-86 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Tatjana Lenz authored
* add protection in case the btagging information is not available * tag: JetTagMonitoring-00-04-13
Pierre Antoine Delsart authored
Antonio Limosani authored
* Add __done file * RecPerfTests-00-08-23 2015-06-02 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT cern.ch> * Dump all output into log file * RecPerfTests-00-08-22
Jovan Mitrevski authored
* change the input files for the DC14_8TeV tests * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-19
Ignacio Aracena authored
Nick Barlow authored
turn UseRxRedundancyInfo on by default in SCT_ByteStreamErrorsSvc (avoid potential inefficiency on one side of modules with readout errors in RX redundancy) (SCT_ConditionsServices-00-04-33)