- Feb 12, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* tag 00-00-83 * Fix FPE, same issue as in tag 00-00-75 but for TrigInDetTrack methods - don't return track if covariance is negative (ATR-13151) 28-January-2016 : Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * tag 00-00-82 * Fix memory leak (ATR-13238) 16-January-2016 : Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * tag 00-00-81 * Optimisations - call vector reserve more often, rewrite covariance matrix loop
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* mofieid use the AthAlgTool in-built StoreGate and messaging services * tag TrigMuonBackExtrapolator-00-00-13 2015-05-08 Masato Aoki <Masato.Aoki@cern.ch> * mofieid replace AlgTool to AthAlgTool * tag TrigMuonBackExtrapolator-00-00-12
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fixed L1 PS reading, expanded prining ATR-12985 * Tagging as TrigConfxAOD-00-00-22 2016-01-14 Tomasz Bold * fix for ATR-12985 * Tagging as TrigConfxAOD-00-00-21 2015-10-23 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * fix for ATR-12265 * Tagging as TrigConfxAOD-00-00-20 2015-06-11 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Made TrigConf::xAODConfigSvc able to deal with empty input files as well. (With the same logic that xAODConfigTool uses.) * Tagging as TrigConfxAOD-00-00-19 2015-06-09 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Modified the xAODTrigConfReadTest application to open files one by one. This was to be able to test how the tool behaves with empty input files. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/TrigFTK_VxPrimaryAllTE.cxx: change to get a copy of xAOD:Vertex from FTK_DataProviderSvc so that they can be written to xAOD * Tag as TrigFTK_RecAlgs-00-00-10
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* L1CaloHVScalesMon.cxx and L1CaloPMTScoresMon.cxx: - Updating to xAOD and Run 2 tools - Re-enabling histograms * Tag as TrigT1Monitoring-00-05-15
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* FTK_DataProviderInterfaces/IFTK_DataProviderSvc.h: Remove barrelOnly parameter * Add method to fill a xAOD::VertexContainer with a copy of vertices. * Tag FTK_DataProviderInterfaces-00-00-06 2015-12-15 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * FTK_DataProviderInterfaces: add optional parameter barrelOnly 2015-11-17 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Declaring it to the CMake build that an interface library should be defined for the package. (So that its clients would build correctly.) * Tagging as FTK_DataProviderInterfaces-00-00-05
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* JIRA 2070 fix for the lowered efficiency in Barrel and Extended Barrel * the veto on too low energy deposits wrt eloss expectation is disabled in CaloMuonTag.cxx * CaloTrkMuIdTools-00-15-08
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fixed ATLASRECTS-2418 * MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools-00-00-03 23-11-2015 Nathan Bernard * compatibility update * MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools-00-00-02 15-07-2015 Nathan Bernard * modular code redesign * MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools-00-00-01 * MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools-00-00-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* enable chnage of tag 01-00-04 by default * tagging MuonAmbiTrackSelectionTool-01-00-06
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* removal of obsolete ClusterSegmentCombinationFinder * tagging MooSegmentCombinationFinder-01-00-15
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* More updates from Sabine Elles: * Updated strips detector python/SLHC_Setup_ExtBrl_32.py python/SLHC_Setup_ExtBrl_4.py run/InDetIdDictFiles/IdDictInnerDetector_SLHC_ExtBrl_4.xml run/InDetIdDictFiles/IdDictInnerDetector_SLHC_ExtBrl_32.xml run/InDetIdDictFiles/IdDictInnerDetector_SLHC_InclBrl_4.xml * Added test scripts for more layouts run/test_G4AtlasGeo_IExtBrl4.py run/test_G4AtlasGeo_ExtBrl4.py run/test_G4AtlasGeo_ExtBrl32.py * Call nice VP1 configuration by default run/jobOptions_display_IExtBrl4.py run/jobOptions_display_LoI_geomodel.py run/jobOptions_display_ATLAS.py run/jobOptions_display_Alpine.py run/jobOptions_display_Alpine-VF.py run/jobOptions_display_LoI.py run/jobOptions_display_LoI_BeamPipe.py run/jobOptions_display_LoI-ECRing.py ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* TrigPSC-20-04-22 * share/TrigPSCPythonSetup.py, share/TrigPSCPythonDbSetup.py remove not needed PyCintex for Root6
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix of TrigT2MbtsBits_v1 (ATR-13300) * TrigSerializeResult-00-01-58 2015-12-08 Marcin Nowak <Marcin.Nowak@cern.ch> * python\dictwrite.py: Ported to ROOT 6. Added printout for problem types at the end. * Tagging TrigSerializeResult-00-01-56
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* added to Autoconfiguration.py: project tags for 2016 * tag RecExConfig-00-03-64
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* MuonCSC_CnvTools-02-00-24 * fix a bug in HITS->RDO decoding (run 2) 2015-12-17 Rafal Bielski <rafal.bielski@cern.ch> * MuonCSC_CnvTools-02-00-23 * fix BS->RDO->PRD decoding for run 2
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/TRT_DriftFunctionTool.cxx - supress overlay printout from DEBUG to INFO * tag as TRT_DriftFunctionTool-00-02-23 2016-01-18 Tanya Kharlamova <tatyana.kharlamova@cern.ch> * TRT_DriftFunctionTool/TRT_DriftFunctionTool.h - fix typo * tag as TRT_DriftFunctionTool-00-02-22 2016-01-16 Tanya Kharlamova <tatyana.kharlamova@cern.ch> * TRT_DriftFunctionTool/ITRT_DriftFunctionTool.h, TRT_DriftFunctionTool/TRT_DriftFunctionTool.h, src/TRT_DriftFunctionTool.cxx - updates for overlay (from branch) * tag as TRT_DriftFunctionTool-00-02-21 2015-12-17 Peter van Gemmeren <gemmeren@anl.gov> * TRT_DriftFunctionTool: Retrieve EventInfo from StoreGate, incident does not always fill EventType. * tag as TRT_DriftFunctionTool-00-02-20
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Removed deprecated CaloCluster, Vertex and MET systems. * Added VP1AODSystems (which provides most of the missing functionality from the above) * tagged as VP13DCocktailPlugin-00-09-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Added new option -slhc to visualise SLHC samples * tag: VP1Algs-00-13-00 2015-11-04 Riccardo.Maria.Bianchi@cern.ch * Adding the visualization of GeoModelExamples 'Toy Detector'. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-274 * tag: VP1Algs-00-12-04 2015-08-17 Riccardo.Maria.Bianchi@cern.ch * Fixed crash related to Red Hat 6 issue with TLS. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-228 * tagged as VP1Algs-00-12-03 2015-08-05 Riccardo.Maria.Bianchi@cern.ch * added a command-line option to print GeoModel stats to a file: -geomodel-stats * tagged as VP1Algs-00-12-02 2014-07-02 Edward.Moyse@cern.ch * Change '-ibl' flag (and related) to '-customgeom' ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Pierre Antoine Delsart authored
* ATLJETMET-200 * JetRec/PseudoJetGetter.h : fix initial implementation. * tag as JetRec-03-00-39-24 2016-02-04 James Frost <james.frost AT cern.ch> * python/JetRecStandardTools.py - remove JetTrackSumMomentsTool from Tieer-0 configuration for now to preserve 20.7 frozenness. * python/JetRecStandardToolManager.py - Remove JetTrackSumMomentsTool to default ungroomed modifiers in JetRec * tag as JetRec-03-00-39-23 2016-02-04 <delsart@lpsc1120x.in2p3.fr> * ATLJETMET-200 * JetRec/PseudoJetGetter.h/cxx : implement the TreatNegativeEnergyAsGhost option for HI. * tag JetRec-03-00-39-22 2016-01-22 <james.frost AT cern.ch> * python/JetToolSupport.py - fix update in method of calling b-tagging needed online. * discussed in ATLASRECTS-2640 and ATLASDQ-362 * no tag yet, pending confirmation from online experts ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
src/PileUpEventInfoCnv_p5.cxx - roll back changes from EventTPCnv-00-04-13 to avoid violating Frozen Tier0. ATLASSIM-2552. Tagging EventTPCnv-00-04-18-01 (EventTPCnv-00-04-18-01) 2016-02-05 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging EventTPCnv-00-04-18-01 * src/PileUpEventInfoCnv_p5.cxx - roll back changes from EventTPCnv-00-04-13 to avoid violating Frozen Tier0. ATLASSIM-2552 2015-06-23 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging EventTPCnv-00-04-18. * Move ByteStreamMetadata classes to new Event/ByteStreamEventTPCnv package. ATLASRECTS-2183 * cmt/requirements - remove use statements which are no longer needed. * EventTPCnv/selection.xml, EventTPCnv/EventTPCnvDict.h - remove references to ByteStreamMetadata classes. 2015-06-05 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging EventTPCnv-00-04-17. * Avoid redundant divisions. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
adjust RDOtoRDOTrigger_TimingTest ERROR threshold to accomodate slow RTT machines (TriggerTest-00-07-46) * adjust RDOtoRDOTrigger_TimingTest ERROR threshold to accomodate slow RTT machines * TriggerTest-00-07-46 2016-02-02 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * adjust Valgrind event numbers and MinBias_Enhanced * add checklog perl script running to the NO_FPE jobs * TriggerTest-00-07-45 2016-02-02 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * first trial to implement the RDOtoRDOTrigger timing test in RTT * TriggerTest-00-07-44 2016-01-29 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * add ATN AthenaTrigRDO_MC_pp_v6_no_prescale_toxAOD_FTK * TriggerTest-00-07-43 2016-01-27 Oleg Kuprash <oleg.kuprash@cern.ch> * add RTT MC_pp_v6_no_prescale_toxAOD_FTK * TriggerTest-00-07-42 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Julie Kirk authored
* Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-00-68 * python/TrigBjetFexConfig.py: changes to track container names for FTK chains
Joseph Stanford Ennis authored
* TrigMuonEFConfig.py - switch back to seeded decoding of CSC thanks to bug fix in MuonCSC_CnvTools-02-00-24 * TrigMuonEF-00-04-58
Tim Martin authored
* Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-08-06 * Bug in XML output 2016-01-28 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-08-05 * More work on UpgradeRates module 2016-01-21 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-08-04 * Add jira link 2016-01-21 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-08-03 * Improve how pileup events are added, refactor code for cleanliness, small bug fixles 2016-01-20 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-08-02 * Bug fix with iso thresholds, add feature to auto populate lots of basic L0 upgrade thresholds 2016-01-20 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Walter Lampl authored
* update DQ steering for RAWtoALL * tag TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-07
Arantxa Ruiz Martinez authored
* e17_* and e24_* chains added to MC_pp_v6 (ATR-12916) * TriggerMenu-00-15-82 2016-01-29 Nils Ruthmann * added ivarloose versions of e+tau trigger items (ATR-12916) * TriggerMenu-00-15-81 2016-01-29 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <aranzazu.ruiz.martinez@cern.ch> * e140_loose_L1EM24VHI added to the MC_pp_v6 menu (ATR-12916) * TriggerMenu-00-15-80 * Fixed input TEs for dphi and mt in generateCombinedChainDefs.py (ATR-12916) * TriggerMenu-00-15-79 2016-01-28 Elisabetta Pianori * Reduce lenght of TE name (ATR-13258) * TriggerMenu-00-15-78 2016-01-28 Elisabetta Pianori * Include Min Jet Pt cut in Deta calculation (ATR-11975) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Walter Lampl authored
* fix steering for RAW->ALL transform * tag egammaPerformance-00-03-28
John Derek Chapman authored
src/PileUpEventLoopMgr.cxx (nextEvent): allow for hard-scatter EventType to have multiple mc_event_weights. ATLASSIM-2504. Tagging PileUpComps-00-12-12-01 (PileUpComps-00-12-12-01) * Tagging PileUpComps-00-12-12-01 * src/PileUpEventLoopMgr.cxx (nextEvent): allow for hard-scatter EventType to have multiple mc_event_weights. ATLASSIM-2504
John Derek Chapman authored
src/TRTDigSettings.cxx, src/TRTDigSettings.icc, src/TRTDigSettings.h - add new isOverlay property (default false). src/TRTElectronicsProcessing.cxx - a check on isOverlay rather than noiseInSimhits property of TRTDigSettings to flag a digit as an MC one during Overlay jobs. python/TRT_DigitizationConfig.py - set Override_isOverlay to 1 for Overlay jobs. ATLASSIM-2358. Tagged as TRT_Digitization-01-01-13 (TRT_Digitization-01-01-13) * src/TRTDigSettings.cxx, src/TRTDigSettings.icc, src/TRTDigSettings.h - add new isOverlay property (default false). ATLASSIM-2358 * src/TRTElectronicsProcessing.cxx - a check on isOverlay rather than noiseInSimhits property of TRTDigSettings to flag a digit as an MC one during Overlay jobs. ATLASSIM-2358 * python/TRT_DigitizationConfig.py - set Override_isOverlay to 1 for Overlay jobs. ATLASSIM-2358 * Tagged as TRT_Digitization-01-01-13 2016-01-27 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * src/TRTDigitizationTool.cxx: reverting changes from TRT_Digitization-01-01-10, so that the trunk can be used for development against 20.7.X.Y. ATLASSIM-2525 * Tagged as TRT_Digitization-01-01-12 2016-01-27 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Tatyana Kharlamova authored
* test/OverlayMonitoringRTT_TestConfiguration.xml: Add MC15 chain, fixed job name * OverlayMonitoringRTT-00-02-08 2016-01-29 Tanya Kharlamova <Tatyana.Kharlamova@cern.ch> * test/OverlayMonitoringRTT_TestConfiguration.xml: Add MC15 chain * OverlayMonitoringRTT-00-02-07 2016-01-29 Tanya Kharlamova <Tatyana.Kharlamova@cern.ch> * test/OverlayMonitoringRTT_TestConfiguration.xml: LAr configuration updates. Put with EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-10. * OverlayMonitoringRTT-00-02-06 2016-01-26 Tanya Kharlamova <Tatyana.Kharlamova@cern.ch> * test/OverlayMonitoringRTT_TestConfiguration.xml: configuration updates. Put with EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-09. ATLASSIM-1973. * OverlayMonitoringRTT-00-02-05 2015-09-28 Tanya Kharlamova <Tatyana.Kharlamova@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Tatyana Kharlamova authored
* share/Rt_override_CONDBR2-BLKPA-2015-12.py, share/Rt_override_BLKPA-006-11.py - LAr overlay settings update (obo Guillaume Unal) * EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-10 2015-01-25 Tanya Kharlamova <Tatyana.Kharlamova@cern.ch> * share/Rt_override_CONDBR2-BLKPA-2015-12.py, share/Rt_override_BLKPA-006-11.py, share/muAlign_reco.py, share/recotrfpre.py - configuration updates * EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-09 2015-01-15 Tanya Kharlamova <Tatyana.Kharlamova@cern.ch> * share/muAlign_reco.py, share/Rt_override_CONDBR2-BLKPA-2015-12.py, share/InnerDetectorOverlay_jobOptions.py, share/skeleton.OverlayBS_tf.py - MC TRT updates from branch * share/Rt_override_BLKPA-006-11.py - add pixel folders * share/MuonOverlay_jobOptions.py - remove unused flags * EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-08 2015-11-06 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * share/Looper.py, share/skeleton.combined.py - tweak logic in the previous set of changes. ATLASSIM-1752 * EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-07 2015-11-06 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * share/Looper.py, share/skeleton.combined.py - mods for the new ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Julie Kirk authored
* TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-56 * share/TIDAdata11-rtt.dat: fix container names for FTK Bjet chains 2016-01-21 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-55 * tidy vertex selection 2016-01-21 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus0063.cern.ch> * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-54 * share/TIDAdata11-rtt.dat: add muon FTKRefit chains 2016-01-18 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus018.cern.ch> * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-53 * share/TIDAdata11-rtt.dat: add new bjet FTK chains 2016-01-17 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-52 * modify error estimate histograms 2016-01-15 Jiri Masik <jiri.masik@manchester.ac.uk> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Julie Kirk authored
2016-01-28 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus0063.cern.ch> * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-14 * build/TrigInDetValidation_FTK_bjet_ttbar.xml: fixes for container names 2016-01-27 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus0039.cern.ch> * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-13 * build/TrigInDetValidation_FTK_bjet_ttbar.xml: fix output directories for FTK Bjet test 2016-01-26 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus023.cern.ch> * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-12 * build/TrigInDetValidation_FTK_bjet_ttbar.xml: fix script - remove rogue "'" 2016-01-23 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus0058.cern.ch> * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-10 * fix typo in Muon and Tau jobO * decrease number of events for FTK Bjet test 2016-01-22 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus0081.cern.ch> * TrigInDetValidation-00-07-09 * share/TrigInDetValidation_RTT_topOptions_AllSlices.py: add rFTK in BjetChains call ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)