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Draft: Add empty Pilot example job

Ulrich Schwickerath requested to merge pilot into master

The idea here is to have a skeleton which loops over a set and prints some pilot record information. Available are: *

  • MAXPIL -- maximum pilot length
  • MXPBUF -- maximum number of pilots buffered
  • NBMIDS -- LQ(.) is a link to temporary minidst structure
  • NPILOT -- current pilot length
  • IPILOT -- current pilot
  • NPILTS -- array of lengths of the pilots buffered
  • IPILTS -- pilots buffered
  • NBPLTS -- number of pilots buffered


  •   General information about event from pilot
  •             DAS
  •  IIIEXP --  5.Experiment number
  •  IIIRUN --  6.Run number
  •  IIFILE --  7.File sequence number
  •  IIIEVT --  9.Event number
  •  IIIDAT -- 10.Event date ('yymmdd')
  •  IIITIM -- 11.Event time ('hhmmss')
  •             LEP
  •  IIFILL --  6.Fill number



  •   General information about event processing:
  •   INTRCT = .TRUE. if job is INTeRaCTive
  •   NFZFIL = Number of files(mediums) processed including
  •            current
  •   NFZPIL = Number of pilots read for all files
  •   NFZPIX = Number of pilots read for current file
  •   NFZGET = Number of data's read for all files
  •   NFZGEX = Number of data's read for current file
  •   NEvent = Number of investigated events for all files
  •   NEvenX = Number of investigated events for current file
  •   NGOODS = Number of events selected for all files
  •   NGOODX = Number of events selected for current file
  •   NFILOU = Number of files written
  •   NDSSAV(1..9) -- Number of d/s saved on each stream
  •   NDSSAV(10) == NEVOUT   -- Total number of d/s saved
  •   TIMTOT = Approximate job time limit ( sec )
  •   TIMEND = Time needed for termination of the job ( sec )
  •   MAXPST = Maximum number of prestage command
  •   LIMPSF = Limit on number of prestaged files in one prestage command
  •   LAPSTG = Lapse in sec between PRESTAGE and STAGE commands
  •   PACKED = .TRUE. if MiniDST used
  •   IVPACK = Version of PHMINI used
  •   FILIMT = Size limit of an output file (in mega-words)
  •   STGPUTW = .TRUE. -- stageput will be executed with wait option
  •   SGNEXIT != 0 -- OS signal came asking to terminate the job

-------------------------------------------------------------------- * *

  • EVLPHV -- PHDST version used to write the Event List
  • NRUNEL -- run   number as it is read from Event List
  • NEVTEL -- event number as it is read from Event List
  • NUW    -- number of user words for the current event
  • IUWORD -- array containing the user words
  • IRABSZ -- sizes of banks for random access
  • IRABDL -- quantum to increment the size of bank for random access
  • NMASKS -- number of masks for current criterion
  • MASKEV -- masks of criterion
  • JDSA1  -- number of the physical record in which
  •           the current input d/s starts
  • JDSA2  -- off-set within this record
  • IRSTOR -- store index
  • IRDIV1 -- division index
  • LDIRAT -- links to the DaT banks
  • IQRAN  -- store for the DaT banks
  • NRANUS -- numbers of words of the DaT banks used
  • 0:9    -- mediums
  • ISVER  -  Mini/short DST version number
  • IHAD4  -  Hadronic tag (team4 criteria)
  • NCTR4  -  Charged multiplicity (team 4)
  • NCTRK  -  Charged multiplicity (total)
  • NNTRK  -  Neutral multiplicity
  • ECMAS  -  Center of mass energy
  • ECHAR  -  Total charged energy
  • EMNEU  -  Total electromagnetic neutral energy
  • EHNEU  -  Total hadronic neutral energy
  • CDTYPE -  FullDST/shortDST type (from DSTQID)
  • LABO   -  Laboratory identifier (see TANAGRA manual)

Merge request reports