First barebone project for Calypso based on Athena 21.0. Only packages necessary to implement the current EDM in xAOD are included. The current build relies on Gaudi and AthenaExternals libraries. This should be okay for FASER, as we don.t want or need to build these two on our own. It currently also uses some of the ATLAS scripts to set environment variables . these can be replaced with either the spelled-out commands or our own scripts in the future.
The following sequence will allow you to compile Calypso 1.0 on any machine with cvmfs access, and the necessary compiler libraries installed.
#clone the (forked) project to your local machine
git clone
cd calypso/EDM/
#The next four lines are used to pick up the latest Gaudi and AthenaExternals libraries, and set the correct compiler
export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/
source ${ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}/user/
asetup AthenaExternals,gcc62,latest,21.0
source ./calypso/Build/AtlasBuildScripts/
mkdir build
cd build
#build calypso
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS=TRUE ../calypso/Projects/Calypso ; make
#run a unittest for xAOD::StripCluster
ctest -V -R xAODTracking_StripCluster_test
If everything worked out, you should see the following printout:
test 176
Start 176: xAODTracking_xAODTracking_StripCluster_test_ctest
176: Test command: /home/calypso/EDM/build/xAOD/xAODTracking/CMakeFiles/
176: Test timeout computed to be: 120
176: id = 0
176: local x = 1, local y = 2, local x error = 0.2, local y error = 0.2, local xy correlation = 0.05
176: global x = 225, global y = -151.4, global z = 144.4
176: Dumping StripClusterAuxContainer
176: id:0, localX:1, localY:2, localXError:0.2, localYError:0.2, localXYCorrelation:0.05, globalX:225, globalY:-151.4, globalZ:144.4,