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Fix installation with Python 3.6, 3.7


I tried to install the bindings with Python 3.6/3.7 but didn't succeed. It required only a few minor changes to get it running which are included in this MR. Hope it's okay that I didn't open a JIRA ticket before.


  • Centos7
  • boost 1.68.0 installed from source
  • python 3.6/3.7 installed from source
  • gfal2 installed via yum install epel-release; yum install gfal2-all gfal2-devel

My DockerFile is here.

I started to install the bindings with

cd gfal2-bindings
python3.6 install


Three errors showed up consecutively. I added inline comments to the changes to explain what I did.

CMake Error: The source directory "/root/dev/gfal2-bindings/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.6" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt

CMake could not detect the proper libboost_python.

CMake found a wrong Python 3 executable (there is also a Python 3.4 in my container), though I explicitly started with python3.6.


I successfully tested the installation on 2.7, 3.6 and 3.7. In case you want to reconfirm, you can use my docker image riga/law (3.7) from the Docker hub.

Edited by Marcel Rieger

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