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  • Elvin Alin Sindrilaru's avatar
    MGM: Register file system change listeners in the messaging realm to ensure · e82417f2
    Elvin Alin Sindrilaru authored
    we have an easy way to discover such listeners when adding new file systems.
    Avoid calling directly subscribe/unsubscribe from the FsChangeListener API
    and rely on the FileSystem to do this so that we properly populate the
    interests of the FsChangeListener while at the same time populating the
    map of listeners and the keys that they are interested in for the current
    file system.
    This double registering mechanims is needed to have FsChangeListeners know
    to what channles (file system queue paths) and keys they are interested in
    and also for the FileSystem objects to know the same information so that
    they can properly notify the FsChangeListeners when there is an update that
    might interest them.