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PR-Overflow Warning Fixes

Klitos Savva requested to merge PR-OverFlow-Warning-Fixes into master

This PR fixes the following warnings:

  • overflow encountered in sinh
  • overflow encountered in cosh
  • invalid value encountered in _mass2_kernel

These warnings appear as a result of lead_jet or sublead_jet being assigned unphysical values (pt,eta,phi,mass,charge). The issues arise when during the operation 'dijet = lead_jet + sublead_jet' as a result of how coffea handles the operation i.e. adding the 4-vector components in cartesian coordinates i.e. lead_jet.z will yield an unphysical result which spits out warnings. This is now mitigated by setting the unphysical pt,eta,phi,mass,charge to zero instead of -9999.0 and doing the operations on the newly formatted lead_jet and sublead_jet, and when storing results such as dijet.mass or, the events with unphysical values to begin with, are assigned the default -9999.0 values as expected.

Merge request reports