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Flag to enable CP alg systematic variations

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge systematics into master

With the --do-CP-systematics analysis alg, we will be able to enable the full systematic variations. As an extension we might later want to be able to filter specific systematics, but for now the options are all or none.

However, only the raw object and weight branches will generate systematic variations in the tree. See #41 and #42 (closed) for algs that ought to be updated to handle the systematic variations for more derived outputs.

Initially this could not run, because we had the inclusive '%SYS%' expression in the output branches for the large-R jet algs. These need to be set explicitly to 'NOSYS' if SystematicsHandles are not used. So I added a test that will attempt to run a job with systematics on, such that we don't accidentally do the same for future branch additions.

Note that this will slow down the execution quite significantly.

Merge request reports