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Saving min(RelativeDeltaRToVRJet) per LargeRjet

Arely Cortes Gonzalez requested to merge arelycg-addingRelativeDRToVR into master
  • We currently save passRelativeDeltaRToVRJetCut per event. This flag is false if any GA VR trk jet to any LargeR jet has relativeDeltaRToVRJet < 1.0.
  • Added a variable: the minimum relativeDeltaRToVRJet among all GA VR trk jets per largeR jet.
  • Note that this check is done after removing GA VR trk jets failing the selection: pT>10 GeV and |eta|<2.5

The goal would be to check if the cut at 1.0 is reasonable :), and whether we should reject the event or simply the jet (might depend on the model?).

Merge request reports