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Adding GN2 b-tagging scores

Arely Cortes Gonzalez requested to merge arely-bScores into master

Several b-taggers scores are not yet in the CDI... thus, we read the scores directly (can build a discriminant offline) to do preliminary studies.

  • Small-R jets
    • adding GN2v00 scores (b,c,u).
    • note that these scores are read from BTagging_AntiKt4EMPFlow collection, so they can only be compared to full list of recojet_antikt4 (no thinning applied). Both collections, BTagging_AntiKt4EMPFlow and AntiKt4EMPFlow have the same indexing.
  • LargeR jets
    • adding GN2Xv00 and GN2XWithMassv00 scores (bb, cc, qcd, top) from technical Xbb/cc tagger.
    • these are saved directly on the large R jets (no separate collection... yeih!)


  • fixed the ntuple name for the largeR jet truth labels (now starting with the recojet_antikt10/recoUFOjet_antikt10).
  • Added a share/RunConfig-SH4b.yaml for Sh4b 🐧

Merge request reports