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More useful truth labels

Dan Guest requested to merge dguest/hh4b-analysis:use-history into master

This adds a few outputs to the ntuples:

  • For large-R jets:
    • parent{Higgs,Scalar,Top}NMatchedChildren: tells how many of the descendants of the particle in question, following W and b-hadron decays, are matched to a given jet. For most resolved jets this should be 0 or 1, whereas for more boosted jets this can be 2 for H or S, 3 for top.
  • For all jets:
    • nTopTo{W,B}Children: number of b-quark or W decay products in the jet, again expect 0 or 1 for resolved, possibly 2 in the W case for boosted.
    • parent{Higgs,Top}ParentsMask: bitmask where the bits represent matches to the mass-sorted higgs or top, e.g. a jet with 0x10 would be matched to one higgs, whereas 0x11 would have a descendant of both.

I also changed the default configuration to dump UFO large-R jets rather than topo jets. Why do does anyone want topo jets?

Merge request reports