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Excommunicating DL1dv00, and turning do_resolved_dihiggs_analysis off in the SH config file.

Arely Cortes Gonzalez requested to merge arelycg-master-patch-33973 into master
  • One minor correction to the SH4b config: do_resolved_dihiggs_analysis: false
  • Moving to b-tagging WP in the muon-in-jet correction and the h5-config: DL1dv01_FixedCutBEff_77 (DL1dv01 will be the tagger for pre-rec, GN2 will be the tagger for final recommendations).
  • Removing DL1dv00 from all config files... sayonara DL1dv00, we'll always remember you for not being officially recommended.
Edited by Arely Cortes Gonzalez

Merge request reports