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Boost and H5 Histograms

Dan Guest requested to merge dguest/hh4b-analysis:histograms into master

Might as well make some histograms when we make ntuples for quick sanity checks. This saves jet histograms in a few potential places:

  • With a stand-alone script that reads in a reduced AOD
  • In a systematic aware bbbb algorithm

I'm using something vaguely related to the schema I made up for another example, but I should consider trying to bring this in line with a wider community effort. While I was working on this I ran into a few more things that annoyed me so I fixed those too:

  • ~Configuration: Removed some default arguments, and made other ones something other than None (which, I found, is the return value from a function that accidentally doesn't return anything...)
  • Bugfix: Moved the configuration validation out of the argument parser. As it was, invalid configuration in the argument parser would result in it returning the help message with any subsequent arguments removed, which meant script --help would confusingly skip a lot of arguments.
  • ~Configuration Remove a lot of false options in the default run configuration that were already set to false in the base config.
  • ~bbbb: Add a test for the configuration that produces histograms with systematic variations (and nothing else).
  • Add a test for the mini-aod maker, fix a bug where it called the wrong code.
  • ~bbbb: Add a test for the bbbb histogram-making configuration.
  • ~Testing Make the unit testing utility output prettier, more informative.
  • ~"C++" Make a proper interface for the H5 file service, have it pass out a Group instead of a File.
  • Add a .gitattributes file so that gitlab properly recognizes .icc as C++.

This is getting way too big and now I'm starting to touch code that other people might muck around in, so I'm marking this as ready.

Edited by Dan Guest

Merge request reports