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Draft: Switch CP algs to ConfigBlock configuration

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/easyjet:config-block into master

This depends on atlas/athena!65122 (merged).

For now it is expected to fail in CI.

The lepton blocks are easy to do as standalone pieces, and can be reintegrated into the ComponentAccumulator configuration straightforwardly, by merging.

For any sequences that depend on upstream collections, such as MET, overlap removal and jets (muons for b-jet calibration), we need to join up the ConfigAccumulator instances, as the provenance is traced backwards. So will need a rewrite to pass and aggregate the various components into one ConfigAccumulator. This seems like it must also have to extend downstream to overlap removal, but while some things (e.g. muons) depend on pileup reweighting, they didn't seem to need this incorporated.

IMO we should not yet commit to using ConfigAccumulator to handle the TTree output until and unless we decide that the entire configuration including analysis-specific components should be in ConfigAccumulator. That's not to say this is undesirable, but it would be a major undertaking that requires one additional layer (that might still be evolving) to be understood in development.


  • Move early operations (trigger, PRW, DQ filter) to ConfigAccumulator
  • Move jets to ConfigAccumulator
    • Define a ConfigAccumulator for b-jet calibration
  • Define a ConfigAccumulator module for the systematics linker (!255 (closed), athena:!65087)
  • Aggregate ConfigAccumulator instances in
  • Move MET to ConfigAccumulator (easy but needs the previous step)
  • Move OR to ConfigAccumulator

Moved to !262 (merged).


  • #103: Rework flags.Analysis.container_names to be better integrated with ConfigAccumulator
  • #102: Possibly link up ConfigAccumulator output branches with -- would have to merge with BranchManager logic and flags.Analysis.ttree_output
Edited by Teng Jian Khoo

Merge request reports