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anti-tau decoration separately in hadhad/lephad

Minori Fujimoto requested to merge mfujimot/easyjet:channelAntiTau into master
  • Addressing issue #108 (closed), anti-tau is re-defined in channel dependent-way

  • The bbtt runconfig yaml file is split into bbtt-hadhad and bbtt-lephad. Now the job needs to be run with RunConfig-PHYS(PHYSLITE)-bbtt-hadhad(lephad).yaml

  • Also for the CI test it is separated in two channels. The sample for the CI test is set with the same one for both of the hadhad/lephad channel for now, as the available sample needs to be checked for lephad. At some point the lephad-specific sample should be set

    If you think there are too many CI tests, I can remove the lephad one since there are not so much differences between two channels at least at this stage

Merge request reports