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Make object WP fully configurable (#124 + #127)

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/easyjet:leptonWP into main

Make object WP fully configurable (#127 (closed)), similar to !307 (merged) for photons. Include propagation to MET + overlap removal config.


  • since we create view selections with the working points applied, we might as well use it as input for the ObjSelectorAlg and solve #124 (closed)
  • pt and eta selections can probably be made configurable as well and applied in makeViewSelectionConfig, making the ObjSelectorAlg obsolete in most cases (kept for later)
  • will need to update the codes to retrieve the decoration from the decoration added in the CP alg configs as discussed in #124 (comment 7294003) (kept for later)

FYI @lderamo @dguest @khoo

Edited by Thomas Strebler

Merge request reports