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bbtt cutflow implementation

Jonathan Pampel requested to merge jpampel/easyjet-local:cutflow into main

I am now uploading a merge request regarding the issue #140 (closed) . It is a working cutflow algorithm but I am not completely happy with some minor details.

Nevertheless, since I will be on vacation until january 6th of 2024, I think I should upload what I have until now.

The following issues remain unsolved, sorted by importance in descending order:

  • The current CutList is incomplete and needs to be replaced by a proper list of cuts. Currently, CutList needs to be a subset of m_Bvarnames, either this requirement needs to be changed or m_Bvarnames needs to be expanded.
  • I would like to create a seperate .yaml file to define the CutList, for ease of changing it. This is optional.
Edited by Jonathan Pampel

Merge request reports