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add config file

Frederic Renner requested to merge new_config into master

This collects all user configurables into a runConfig.yaml and writes them to the ConfigFlags which we are sending everywhere anyway. Parsers at the entry can still be added and will overwrite the default settings from the yaml file. I reduced the parser to what I think useful flags are. You only need the --runConfig flag added to the now. The yaml file from the share folder is installed during the build in the build area under /x86_64-slc7-gcc11-opt/data/HH4bAnalysis/RunConfig.yaml so you could also just as well do after you have sourced your build --runConfig ${HH4bAnalysis_DIR}/data/HH4bAnalysis/RunConfig.yaml

It also prints the configs at the beginning of the execution.

Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO Loaded run config: /lustre/fs22/group/atlas/freder/hh/hh4b-analysis/HH4bAnalysis/share/RunConfig.yaml
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: outFile: analysis-variables.root
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: btag_wps: ['DL1dv00_FixedCutBEff_70', 'DL1dv00_FixedCutBEff_77', 'DL1dv00_FixedCutBEff_85']
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: vr_btag_wps: ['DL1r_FixedCutBEff_77', 'DL1r_FixedCutBEff_85']
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: trigger_year: Auto
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: trigger_list: ['HH4bResolved', 'HH4bBoosted']
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: loose_jet_cleaning: True
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: do_dihiggs_analysis: True
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: do_resolved_analysis: True
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: do_boosted_analysis: True
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: meta_cache: False
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: disable_calib: False
Py:VariableDumperConfig    INFO User configured: disable_trigger_filtering: False
Edited by Frederic Renner

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