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Following the first HHackathon, the purpose of this MR is to introduce an algorithm to check if events fall into very loose pre-selections for a given HH final state. The short term goal is to define these very loose selections for each final state (e.g. number of HHPhotons, HHBjets) required for a given HH analysis, then without removing any events, users can run this algorithm on top of their HH package and save booleans to understand what percentage of their events fall into other HH final state categories.

Example of this feature in action - new orth_pass branches added to ntuple if you set the flag in the RunConfig, no events cut, can see how many events fall into other HH final states (loose selections to be defined by analysis contacts):

Below example is how many events from a bbyy PHYSLITE file fall into example bbbb selections:

Another example, for a ttbar sample:

More events pass the bbbb and bbtt example pre-selections than bbyy as expected.

Files added/edited:

  • EasyjetHub/python/algs/orthogonality/

    • Added for init
  • EasyjetHub/python/algs/orthogonality/

    • Config to run object selectors with HH definitions to define HH object collections
  • EasyjetHub/share/base-config.yaml:

    • Added do_orth_check flag, false by default, users can choose to run it. Also included orth-config with HH object definitions (if we really want this to be the base which doesn't include other files, may have to adjust)
  • EasyjetHub/share/orth-config.yaml:

    • File containing HH object definitions - just working points for now.
  • EasyjetHub/src/components/EasyjetHub_entries.cxx:

    • Added import and component declaration of OrthogonalityAlg
  • EasyjetHub/src/OrthogonalityAlg.cxx/h:

    • New alg to check how many HHObjects an event has and which HH category it falls into, and save booleans to event info.
  • EasyjetHub/CMakeLists.txt:

    • Added new orthogonality alg to this list.
  • bbyyAnalysis/bin/bbyy-ntupler:

    • Added the option to run the orthogonality check in the bbyy analysis before running the main analysis - should add this block to all HH packages.
Edited by Abraham Tishelman-Charny

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