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Add Hbb Candidate jets in the bbyy analysis

The MR defines the Hbb candidate jets depending on the number of b-jets in the events. The following convention is used:

  • case with 0 b-jets in the events --> HbbCandidates_B1/2 are the first two jets in the jet collection;
  • case with 1b-jet in the event --> HbbCandidates_B1 is the fist jet in the b-jet collection and HbbCandidates_B2 is the first jet, not b-tagged, in the jet collection;
  • case with 2b-jets or more in the event --> HbbCandidates_B1/2 are the first two b-jets in the b-jet collection.

In addition, I removed the bjet1 and bjet2 distributions since the same information is stored in the HbbCandidates_B1/2.

This MR is addressing this issue: #178 (closed)

Merge request reports