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Improving Haa reconstruction and bug fixes

Wei-Ming Yao requested to merge haa2mu2tau/easyjet:main into main

Dear We are making a new merge request for merging llttAnalysis from haa2mu2tau/easyjet:main for improving H->aa->mumutautau reconstruction and bug fixes. For H->aa->2mu2tau decay in the boosted region for small ma masses, we select the leading lepton (iamu1) with the closet lepton (iamu2) in delta-R as the lepton pair from a->mumu decay. The selection works most time, but in some cases, the leading lepton could be from a->tautau decay. When this happens, the selected pair of leptons will have either a large dR or one of the leptons is an electron. In this case, we propose a second pass to select the remaining leading lepton (iamu1x) from events excluding iamu1 and iamu2 and then select the closest lepton to iamu1x nearby as iamu2x, which would fix most of the mistakes. We have added a flag for such cases and will improve the H->aa->2mu2tau reconstruction in the future.
Thanks, -Weiming Yao

Edited by Wei-Ming Yao

Merge request reports