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jet pairing algorithm

Frederic Renner requested to merge pairingAlg into master
  • This adds an algorithm to do the pairing, it assumes to get a pt sorted input container from e.g. JetSelectorAlg and returns the pairing of the leading (h1) and subleading (h2) Higgs candidates as four jets in the order:
      // h1_leading_pt_jet
      // h1_subleading_pt_jet
      // h2_leading_pt_jet
      // h2_subleading_pt_jet
  • It also fixes a bug in the DiHiggsAnalysis, where the deltaR sorting sorted oppositely which resulted for a wrong pairing in the Resolved analysis.
  • makes everything a xAOD::JetContainer instead of IParticleContainer
                "JetPairingAlg_" + btag_wp,
                containerInKey="resolvedAnalysisJets_" + btag_wp,
                containerOutKey="pairedResolvedAnalysisJets_" + btag_wp,
                pairingStrategy="minDeltaR",  # so far only minDeltaR

releated to #21 (closed)

Edited by Frederic Renner

Merge request reports