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bbtt leading/sub-leading (b-)jet flags for systematics checking

Minori Fujimoto requested to merge mfujimot/easyjet:SystBranch into main

Added lead/sublead (b-) jet flag following !554 (closed) for systematics implementing discussion.

Now this MR also includes the selected flag implemented in !554 (closed), for checking them all at once. They will be deleted after !554 (closed) merged. Also subsublead (b-) jet flag is there for testing purpose.

By running RunConfig-bbtt-bypass-syst.yaml config ( without b-tagging ) with sample below; mc20_13TeV.410472.PhPy8EG_A14_ttbar_hdamp258p75_dil.deriv.DAOD_PHYS.e6348_s3681_r13144_p5980/DAOD_PHYS.36082373._000131.pool.root.1

What can be seen is like;


Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 12.02.59.pngAlso tried implementing the flag for switching on b-tagging for avoiding it automatically scheduled in the selection, though not sure this is a correct way.

tagging @tstreble , @jdegens , @bmoser , @pbokan , @shahzad

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