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Expanding anti-tau selection to the DBT category

Petar Bokan requested to merge pbokan/easyjet:DBTantitau into main

This implementation of anti-tau selection in the DBT category is provisional, as we have not yet determined the exact method for combining DBT and DTT categories. If we decide to make these categories orthogonal in the final offline selection, we will need to modify the AntiTauDecoratorAlg to separate the categories based on tau and jet pt cuts.

Presently, anti-taus are matched to DTT if the DTT trigger is fired; otherwise, an anti-tau is randomly selected for DBT. Although this approach is unconventional, it will still allow us to do a fake estimations. The FF method relies on a double ratio, so consistent mixing of triggers between the SR and CR is acceptable.

We will finalize the strategy once the trigger approach is decided.

cc @tstreble ,@mfujimot ,@shahzad ,@bmoser ,@princke ,@duhofer

Merge request reports