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Turn AntiTauDecoratorAlg into CP alg

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/easyjet:AntiTauSyst into main

This updates the existing AntiTauDecoratorAlg which was run so far prior to the CP algorithms to be fully integrated in the CP algorithm sequence. The motivation is to be able to:

  • use properly calibrated objects when pT selections are applied to define the event category
  • use proper lepton ID working points, corresponding to the ones used in general for the overlap removal
  • be able to define some SysWriteSelectionHandle for the antiTau, needed to define the antiTau selection for MET computation #130

While doing so, the baseline tau selection is also used to filter the taus decorated as IDTau or antiTau. Before it was not possible to use it, as it's computed within the CP alg sequence, meaning that we had a lot of large-prong tau decorated like that. As the baseline selection was anyway used for the overlap removal, it wasn't making any difference when full selections including OR were used, but at least the IDTau / antiTau decoration can now be used with a more reasonable standalone definition.

Requires to move the config from ComponentAccumulator to ConfigBlock to be able to fit it inside the CP alg sequence

FYI @carquin @pbokan @bmoser @mfujimot @shahzad @princke

Edited by Thomas Strebler

Merge request reports