After calling `""`, the keyword `"grid"` tells ART to prepare for grid submission. Again, the `"../source.DirectIOART/"` path has to be given, but now with a sequence tag which is composed of, firstly, the package name, secondly, the submission date, and third, a counting index. Every `" grid ..."` command will create a separate job containing all executed tests as single tasks. Actually, what the sequence tag looks like doesn't matter as long as it is unique, since it will be part of the grid job's output name as displayed on your [bigpanda]( page, e.g.:
After calling `""`, the keyword `"grid"` tells ART to prepare for grid submission. Again, the `"../source.DirectIOART/"` path has to be given, but now with a sequence tag which is composed of, firstly, the package name, secondly, the submission date, and third, a counting index. Every `" grid ..."` command will create a separate job containing all executed tests as single tasks. Actually, what the sequence tag looks like doesn't matter as long as it is unique, since it will be part of the grid job's output name as displayed on your [bigpanda]( page, e.g.: