- Aug 02, 2018
Dan Guest authored
Former-commit-id: 51adc5736355369bf4a3993584e2d15c2617c042
- Apr 13, 2018
Daniel Scheirich authored
ATLHLEPTON-360 In order to allow non-overlapping Hmumu and ttHmumu selections on different derivations and also for improving background rejection prompt lepton tagging info is needed in HIGG4D1. Former-commit-id: 7c5d593abc9e2086f1f037ca2ef8b154a9de5523
- Mar 21, 2018
Daniel Scheirich authored
Removing unsafe "FlavorTagInit" function call from HIGG4 derivations. Update to the HIGG4D6 trigger list. Former-commit-id: 5773a33c26f58e1460c523369cf7ca6086ebc587
- Nov 08, 2017
Zach Marshall authored
This change has two related effects. What was in TauTruthCommon is now wrapped up in a function. All clients have been migrated to use the function form, and several clients were identified that don't actually need to be calling this function at all (they get it for free when using the common tools). The first good benefit is we avoid the `import *` syntax, and treat the module as a real module that has a function we can call rather than as a replacement for `include`. The second good benefit is that we can optionally pass this function an algSequence in which to schedule the truth tools. At the moment, the truth code is the only client of this functionality, but it allows the scheduling of private instances of the kernels that could run (for example) after skimming choices have been made, rather than public kernels that are always a part of the main sequence. This satisfies a request of the SUSY group, to ensure that the recommended workflow (private kernels) really is possible, even if it's not heavily used. Tested a TRUTH and EXO derivation to make sure that things are behaving after these changes, and everything seems to be behaving normally. This change was not discussed at any length with the tau group, though, so it would be useful to have a comment from someone on that end before merging this request in. Former-commit-id: f3e5cae04c2ab2a533d4a25edcc0e3a91d14b0dd
- Oct 09, 2017
Daniel Scheirich authored
HIGG4D3 was failing ART tests on MC16 because of the truth-matching code related to the PV refitting (TauTruthTrackMatchingTool). The problem was temporarilly fixed by setting the PV refitting tool to the same config as used for data. This may have to be revisitted after discussion with experts. Former-commit-id: f8525354c281a3a267b8726978b3f2b78ee5d7f4
- Sep 19, 2017
Zach Marshall authored
In the HIGG4DxAugmentation, we can now use the 'central' tau truth matching setup, which turns some lines of redundant python into a simple import. In the other Higgs derivations, they had some old lines that had been commented out; removing these so that no one is ever tempted to uncomment them (they should just use the central tool as well). Former-commit-id: e553e29927cf9b205f0b65652a7f32ee948ceebe
- Jun 29, 2017
James Catmore authored
ATLASG-1202 This is to enable the HIGG DAODs to be run in 21.2 AthDerivation. It brings in the following tags from SVN: * TruthConverters-00-00-04 * DerivationFrameworkHiggs-00-05-32 The latter is further modified to make it compatible with modifications to `IHiggsTruthCategoryTool` in TruthRivetTools (see ATLASG-1247, !2985). Additionally DerivationFrameworkMuons is modified, adding the `MuonTriggerList.py` file. With these changes, all of the HIGG DAODs should be able to run on 21.0 data. Former-commit-id: 9dbc75c092e29387a0704ecf180f92704d76c511
- May 27, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored