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  1. May 09, 2016
    • Jochen Meyer's avatar
      downgrading error (ATLASRECTS-3091) (MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-14-04) · 97fc70c6
      Jochen Meyer authored
      	* downgrading ERROR in dressMuon (ATLASRECTS-3091)
      	* Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-14-04
      2016-03-30 Will Leight
      	* Fix for ATR-13706
      	* Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-14-03
      2016-03-20 Will Leight
      	* Adding ME track Eloss
      	* Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-14-02
      2016-03-17 Will Leight
      	* Branching to include bugfixes but not Peter's beamspot changes
      	* Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-14-00
      2016-02-04 Edward Moyse
      	* Correctly initialise all variables.
      2015-02-01 Will Leight
      	* Added parameters for the original ME track
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • James Frost's avatar
      tag event-level veto and other changes (JetMonitoring-01-00-40) · 30c2451e
      James Frost authored
      	* ATLJETMET-434	for event-level LAr
              * Added fracSamplingMax to high-pT histo
      	* Increased axis of LArQF
      2016-03-16    <>
      	* ATLASRECTS-2974
      	* python/ : replace [0] by _0_ in histo names
              * Tag: JetMonitoring-01-00-39
      2016-02-26    <cglasman@localhost>
              * python/ fix of LB monitoring
              * Tag: JetMonitoring-01-00-38
    • Bertrand Laforge's avatar
    • Peter Van Gemmeren's avatar
      Back Out RecExCommon-00-14-47-05 (RecExCommon-00-14-47-06) · 1174359c
      Peter Van Gemmeren authored
      	* BACKED OUT change OBO Jack Cranshaw
      	* share/ Reset POOL/ROOT attributes for DxAOD writing.
      	Long-term this should really go somewhere else (currently it is used
      	in merge only).
      	* tagging RecExCommon-00-14-47-06
      2016-03-13 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@>
      	* Enable RecoTimingAlg also in RAWtoALL workflow
      	* Tagging as RecExCommon-00-14-47-04
      2016-03-02 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
      	* Removed the lines from that set a split level
      	  of 99 for some xAOD interface containers. Didn't bother to
      	  add this split level for the auxiliary containers though.
      	  (For which they were actually meant for.)
      	* This is to fix the problem with reading files in the
      	  analysis release.
      	* Tagging as RecExCommon-00-14-47-03
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (MuGirlStau-00-02-35) · 99424a8f
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* reducing memory by using floats in StauCalibrationParameters (ATLASRECTS-2881)
      	* Tagging as MuGirlStau-00-02-35
      2016-02-19 Jochen Meyer
      	* fixing CppCheck defects
      	* Tagging as MuGirlStau-00-02-34
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (JetUtils-02-00-35) · 58cef987
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* ATLJETMET-200
      	* Root/JetOriginHelpers.cxx : deal with e<0 clusters.
      	* Tagging JetUtils-02-00-35
      2015-11-30  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging JetUtils-02-00-34.
      	* cmt/requirements: Use ROOTGenVectorLibs.
      	* Tagging JetUtils-02-00-33.
      	* test/JetUtils_CaloQual_test.cxx: Allow searching for the data
      	files via an environment variable.
      	* Tagging JetUtils-02-00-32.
      	* Comply with ATLAS naming conventions.
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (RecPerfTests-00-08-43) · 46a684cb
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* Add RDOtoRDOTiming job (ATR-13589)
      	* RecPerfTests-00-08-43
      2016-03-10 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT>
      	* Switch off mu>40 jobs
      	* RecPerfTests-00-08-42
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
    • Aaron Angerami's avatar
      tagging HIJetRec-01-00-21 (HIJetRec-01-00-21) · 1b9c1973
      Aaron Angerami authored
      	* Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-21
      	* Changing to prevent duplicate scheduling of truth jets in ESD re-reco
      2016-03-16 Aaron Angerami <>
      	* Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-20
      	* Changing behavior of extra truth modifiers to work in HI and HIP modes
      2016-02-23 Aaron Angerami <>
      	* Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-19
      	* Changing Default scheme to cell based, had been erroneously switched to cluster based
      2016-02-17 Aaron Angerami <>
      	* Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-18
      	* Changing HIClusterPseudoJetGetter to use changes in base class in JetRec
      2016-02-10 Aaron Angerami <>
      	* Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-17
      	* Adding HIClusterPseudoJetGetter to handle neg E/ghost issue
      	* Fix handling of neg E/out of bounary cells in HIJetSubtractorToolBase/HIJetCellSubtractorTool/HIJetClusterSubtractorTool
      	* Changing default subtractor to be cluster based, switching on origin correction by default
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Aaron Angerami's avatar
      tagging HIRecExample-01-00-16 (HIRecExample-01-00-16) · f723e85f
      Aaron Angerami authored
      	* adding for PreInclude in ESD re-reconstruction
      	* tag HIRecExample-01-00-16
      2016-03-08  Andrzej Olszewski <>
      	* modified and
      	* adding InDetFlags.perigeeExpression set to Vertex
      	* tag HIRecExample-01-00-15
      2016-01-28  Andrzej Olszewski <>
      	* modified share/ for AODFULL
      	* tag HIRecExample-01-00-14
      2016-01-28  Andrzej Olszewski <>
      	* update with 2015 reconstruction options
      	* modified,,,,
      	* tag HIRecExample-01-00-13
    • Alaettin Serhan Mete's avatar
      METRegionsTool INFO to DEBUG (METReconstruction-00-02-05-04) · b353e36e
      Alaettin Serhan Mete authored
      	* INFO to DEBUG
      2016-03-18 AS Mete <>
      	* Tagging METReconstruction-00-02-05-03 for METRegions fixing the nightly issue
      2016-03-14 AS Mete <>
      	* Tagging METReconstruction-00-02-05-02 for METRegions debugging in nightly
      2016-03-08 TJ Khoo <>
      	* Prevent crash due to no PV in debug message
      	* Tagged METReconstruction-00-02-05-01
    • Mark Hodgkinson's avatar
      2016-03-10 Mark Hodgkinson · 8f341614
      Mark Hodgkinson authored
              * Root/PFlowPseudoJetGetter.cxx: Bug fix to avoid unphysical weights applied to charged PFO in non-dense environments
              * Tag as JetRecTools-00-03-32 (JetRecTools-00-03-32)
      	* Root/PFlowPseudoJetGetter.cxx: Bug fix to avoid unphysical weights applied to charged PFO in non-dense environments
      	* Tag as JetRecTools-00-03-32
    • R D Schaffer's avatar
      remove virtual from destructor from Node to save memory (egammaMVACalib-01-01-04) · 05366547
      R D Schaffer authored
      	* tagging egammaMVACalib-01-01-04
      	* egammaMVACalib/Node.h (egammaMVACalibNmsp): remove virtual from destructor to save memory
      2016-01-16 Christos Anastopoulos <>
      	* Fix the test code , to my best knowledge
      	* tagging egammaMVACalib-01-01-03
    • Mark Hodgkinson's avatar
      2016-02-23 Mark Hodgkinson · 50ce0b45
      Mark Hodgkinson authored
              * eflowRec/eflowTrackCaloPoints.h, src/eflowTrackCaloPoints.cxx - fix bug in toggle of EM2 barrel/endcap
              * Tag as eflowRec-00-05-36-10 (eflowRec-00-05-36-10)
      	* eflowRec/eflowTrackCaloPoints.h, src/eflowTrackCaloPoints.cxx - fix bug in toggle of EM2 barrel/endcap
      	* Tag as eflowRec-00-05-36-10
    • Marcin Nowak's avatar
      removed transient header from MissingETComposition_pN dicts to reduce memory... · f600c573
      Marcin Nowak authored
      removed transient header from MissingETComposition_pN dicts to reduce memory usage (RecTPCnv-00-13-04)
      	* RecTPCnv\MissingETComposition_p1.h:
      	* RecTPCnv\MissingETComposition_p2.h: remove #include of the
      	transient header to reduce memory usage of ROOT6 dicts (140MB less)
      	* Tagging RecTPCnv-00-13-04
      2016-02-12  Peter van Gemmeren  <>
      	* Tagging RecTPCnv-00-13-03.
      	* ATEAM-259: remove unneccessary #include statements from dictionary
      	and persistent classes to lower memory for ROOT6 autoparsing
      2015-12-17  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging RecTPCnv-00-13-02.
      	* Fix clang warnings (remove useless comparisons).
      	* Tagging RecTPCnv-00-13-01.
      	* Add a couple unit tests.
    • Pierre Antoine Delsart's avatar
      'adjust flags in case of noID ATLASRECTS-2788' (JetRec-03-00-39-25) · 1c28c564
      Pierre Antoine Delsart authored
      	* ATLASRECTS-2788
      	* python/
      	* python/
      	* python/ adjust flags so useVertices and
      	usePFlow  are correctly set when no ID
      	* tag as JetRec-03-00-39-25
      2016-02-09    <>
      	* ATLJETMET-200
      	* JetRec/PseudoJetGetter.h : on more fix for
      	* not tag yet, pending tests....
      	* JetRec/PseudoJetGetter.h : fix initial implementation of TreatNegativeEnergyAsGhost.
    • Christos Anastopoulos's avatar
      Revert Factories to make sure I can check just the scheduling (egammaRec-07-01-24-02) · 7fc3e2b6
      Christos Anastopoulos authored
      	* Backport removal of egammaLocker
      	* Revert Factories to make sure I can check just the scheduling
      	* it seems we affect the calculartion of Isolation corrections.
      	* Tagging as egammaRec-07-01-24-02
      2016-02-12 Christos Anastopoulos  <>
      	* Backport removal of egammaLocker
      	* Tagging as egammaRec-07-01-24-01
    • Peter Van Gemmeren's avatar
      Add #include for MissingET.h, do not rely on pers state to have it (RecAthenaPool-00-07-05) · 3b938119
      Peter Van Gemmeren authored
      	* Tagging RecAthenaPool-00-07-05.
      	* Add #include for MissingET.h, do not rely on pers state to have it.
      2015-12-27  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging RecAthenaPool-00-07-04.
      	* auto_ptr -> unique_ptr.
      2015-12-17  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging RecAthenaPool-00-07-03.
      	* Clean up requirements file.  Comply with ATLAS naming
      	* Tagging RecAthenaPool-00-07-02.
      	* test/RecAthenaPool.xml: Add test xml file.
      2015-12-09  scott snyder  <>
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  2. Feb 12, 2016
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (CaloTrkMuIdTools-00-15-08) · 7162d86e
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
              * JIRA 2070 fix for the lowered efficiency in Barrel and Extended Barrel
      	* the veto on too low energy deposits wrt eloss expectation is disabled in CaloMuonTag.cxx
      	* CaloTrkMuIdTools-00-15-08
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (RecExConfig-00-03-64) · d1d53e40
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* added to project tags for 2016
      	* tag RecExConfig-00-03-64
    • Pierre Antoine Delsart's avatar
      'ATLJETMET-200 implement TreatNegativeEnergyAsGhost (fix)' (JetRec-03-00-39-24) · 6207a91f
      Pierre Antoine Delsart authored
      	* ATLJETMET-200
      	* JetRec/PseudoJetGetter.h : fix initial implementation.
      	* tag as JetRec-03-00-39-24
      2016-02-04 James Frost <james.frost AT>
      	* python/ - remove JetTrackSumMomentsTool from Tieer-0 configuration for now to preserve 20.7 frozenness.
      	* python/ - Remove JetTrackSumMomentsTool to default ungroomed modifiers in JetRec
      	* tag as JetRec-03-00-39-23
      2016-02-04    <>
      	* ATLJETMET-200
      	* JetRec/PseudoJetGetter.h/cxx : implement the
      	TreatNegativeEnergyAsGhost option for HI.
      	* tag JetRec-03-00-39-22
      2016-01-22 <james.frost AT>
      	* python/ - fix update in method of calling b-tagging needed online.
      	* discussed in ATLASRECTS-2640 and ATLASDQ-362
      	* no tag yet, pending confirmation from online experts
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Walter Lampl's avatar
      fix steering for RAW->ALL transform (egammaPerformance-00-03-28) · c4c3d0eb
      Walter Lampl authored
      	* fix steering for RAW->ALL transform
      	* tag egammaPerformance-00-03-28
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      grybkine: cmt/requirements: Follow ATLAS convention, use AtlasPolicy comes... · 334aea97
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      grybkine: cmt/requirements: Follow ATLAS convention, use AtlasPolicy comes first (HIJetRec-01-00-16)
      	* cmt/requirements: Follow ATLAS convention, use AtlasPolicy comes first
      	* Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-16
      2016-01-20 Aaron Angerami <>
      	* Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-15.
      	* Changing usage of calibration tool, TopoEM -> EMTopo in jet container name
      2015-12-15 Aaron Angerami <>
      	* Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-14.
      	* Merging fix in HIJetRec-01-00-12-branch to to accommodate missing LAr HV info in online reco
      	* Changing requirements and HIJetRec_entries.cxx to compile in AthAnalysisBase
      2015-11-28 Aaron Angerami <>
      	* Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-13.
      	* Fix to catch additional neg E failure mode in HIJetConstituentSubtractorTool
      2015-11-15 Aaron Angerami <>
      	* Tagging HIJetRec-01-00-12.
      	* Changing default for harmonic modulation, refactoring for RC compat.
      	* Add HIJetClusterSubtractionTool
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Claudia Glasman's avatar
      included the use of the central tool for removing LB that LAr has vetoed... · e87fcd31
      Claudia Glasman authored
      included the use of the central tool for removing LB that LAr has vetoed entirely (JetMonitoring-01-00-37)
              * python/ included the use of the central tool for removing LB that LAr has vetoed entirely
              * Tag: JetMonitoring-01-00-37
    • Aaron Angerami's avatar
      Tagging HIRecExample-01-00-12 (HIRecExample-01-00-12) · 1e5b9d5b
      Aaron Angerami authored
      	* changing to prevent monitoring from clobbering subtracted topoclusters
      	* tag HIRecExample-01-00-12
    • Marcelo Vogel's avatar
      Added settings for reconstruction flags when input is RDO_FTK (RecJobTransforms-01-00-49) · 2bc234b6
      Marcelo Vogel authored
              * share/
      	- turn on rec.doFTK
      	- enable FTK chains (TriggerFlags.doFTK=True)
      	* Tag as RecJobTransforms-01-00-49
      2016-01-08 Marcelo Vogel <>
              * python/
              - Add argument --inputRDO_FTKFile
              - Add RDO_FTK as input to RAWtoESD
              * share/
              - Add input RDO_FTK to skeleton
      2015-11-24 Graeme Stewart <>
      	* scripts/
      	- Remove erroneous comment
      	* Tag as RecJobTransforms-01-00-47
      2015-10-15 Lisa Errenst <>
      	* share/
      	- Add StreamAOD.ExtendProvenanceRecord = False for temporary ESD files
  3. Jan 19, 2016
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (METReconstruction-00-02-05) · 1eaa4815
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* Fixes for empty pileup PVTrack_vx* terms due to filling wrong term
      	* Reenable TrackFilter E/P cuts
      	* Tagged METReconstruction-00-02-04
      	* Typo
      	* Tagged METReconstruction-00-02-05
      2015-11-25 TJ Khoo <>
      	* Fixes for empty PVTrack_vx* terms due to using wrong weights
      	* Correct TrackFilter E/P cuts
      	* Tagged METReconstruction-00-02-03
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (MuonCombinedAlgs-00-00-14) · 9fdc1083
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* MuonCombinedInDetCandidateAlg: no longer returns with a warning if an InDetTrackCollection is not found
      	* Instead, returns with a warning if the InDetCandidateCollection is still null after processing both types of ID tracks
      	* This solves the issue with minbias processing reported in ATLASDQ-387
      	* Tagging as MuonCombinedAlgs-00-00-13
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (RecExPers-00-03-22-02) · f6fc22f5
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      2015-10-26 Andreas Salzburger < Andreas.Salzburger -at- >
      	* switching ZDC on
              * tagged as RecExPers-00-03-22-02
      2015-09-25  John Baines  <>
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (RecJobTransformTests-00-02-24) · 56975599
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
          * disable CTP simulation in q220 q222 q223 suggested by Oleg Kuprash
      	* Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-24
      2015-11-26 Xiaohu Sun
          * retire test Reco_DC14_14TeV_pileup
      	* Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-23
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (JetValidation-00-01-18) · d6cec6fb
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* python/ (athenaMonTool): adapt to
      	changes in recent JetMonitoring tags
              * Tagging JetValidation-00-01-18
    • Antonio Limosani's avatar
      Update trigger menu from v5 to v6 (RecPerfTests-00-08-41) · f351e35e
      Antonio Limosani authored
      	* Update trigger menu from v5 to v6
      	* RecPerfTests-00-08-41
      2015-12-16 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT>
      	* Save checkfile output
      	* RecPerfTests-00-08-40
      2015-12-14 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT>
      	* Save checkfile output
      	* RecPerfTests-00-08-39
      2015-12-11 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT>
      	* Add full chain
      	* RecPerfTests-00-08-38
      2015-12-05 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT>
      	* Add data15 collision data test
      	* RecPerfTests-00-08-37
      2015-12-04 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT>
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Michael Boehler's avatar
      added: beam energy for pp-reference run ans pb run 2015 (RecExConfig-00-03-63) · afcd2053
      Michael Boehler authored
      	* added to beam energy for pp-reference run ans pb run 2015 (as RecExConfig-00-03-58-02)
      	* tag RecExConfig-00-03-63
      2015-11-11 Michael Boehler <>
      	* added to data15_5TeV Project
      	* tag RecExConfig-00-03-62
      2015-11-11 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@>
      	   - Autoconfiguration of conditionts tag, also for run 2
      	   - Replace some legacy constructs by proper python
      	* tag RecExConfig-00-03-61
      	* tag RecExConfig-00-03-59
       	* python/ make change for standalone HLT running
    • William Axel Leight's avatar
      Fixed self-introduced hole problem (MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-13) · d3a7122e
      William Axel Leight authored
      	* Restored Peter's hole fix which somehow got lost
      	* Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-13
      2015-12-10 Will Leight
      	* Removed some left-over debugging output
      	* Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-12
      2015-12-08 Will Leight
      	* Variable names are now more self-explanatory
      	* Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-11
      2015-12-06 Will Leight
      	* Adding new muon variables for close hits, non-deweighted hits, and out-of-bounds hits
      	* Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-10
    • Walter Lampl's avatar
      don't hardcode outputlevel=1 (RecExCommon-00-14-47) · 0d631d06
      Walter Lampl authored
      	* don't hardcode outputlevel=1
      	* tag RecExCommon-00-14-47
      2015-11-28 Will Buttinger <>
      	* share/ Scheduled lumiblock creating alg always if running in athenaMP, otherwise can use the metadatatool, which should be ok in single process
      	* tagging RecExCommon-00-14-46
    • Christos Anastopoulos's avatar
      Cleanup, try to understand drop in efficiency in the crack, fixed a but in... · d62bc385
      Christos Anastopoulos authored
      Cleanup, try to understand drop in efficiency in the crack, fixed a but in Rescale method (egammaTrackTools-01-01-21)
      	* Cleanup, try to understand drop in efficiency in the crack, fixed a but in Rescale method
      	* Tagged as egammaTrackTools-01-01-21
    • Peter Kluit's avatar
      'Fix for JIRA 2638' (MuidTrackBuilder-03-00-51) · eccb89cf
      Peter Kluit authored
              * Fix for JIRA 2638
      	* The error optimisation is now called before the cleaner
      	* To reduce CPU the optimizerErrors() routine is added
      	* In regions where the error scaling (e.g. Barrel/Endcap) is important
      	* more stations will be put on track in data
      	* CombinedMuonTrackBuilder.cxx and .h
              * OutwardsCombinedMuonTrackBuilder.cxx
      	* requirements
      	* Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-00-51
    • Ludovica Aperio Bella's avatar
      update latest crack calibration (egammaTools-01-01-35-05) · 84ef0724
      Ludovica Aperio Bella authored
      	* Optimised ph conversion TRT hit fraction cut & latest crack-calibration
      	* Tagging as  egammaTools-01-01-35-05
    • Andrzej Olszewski's avatar
      HIRecExample-01-00-11 (HIRecExample-01-00-11) · 95f34619
      Andrzej Olszewski authored
      	* changing to reenable some DQ monitoring
      	* tag HIRecExample-01-00-11
      2015-11-15  Aaron Angerami <>
      	* changing to allow for subtracted topoclusters in HI mode
      	* tag HIRecExample-01-00-10
      2015-11-06  Aaron Angerami <>
      	* changing and for cleaner T0 tf
      	* tag HIRecExample-01-00-08
    • Pierre Antoine Delsart's avatar
      'lowering ghost scale factor. ATLJETMET-461' (JetRec-03-00-39-20) · 939f0937
      Pierre Antoine Delsart authored
      	* python/ lowering ghost scale factor to
      	* ATLJETMET-461
      	* tag as JetRec-03-00-39-20