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replace hardcoded hostpath volumes with configurable pvcs

Jimil Desai requested to merge persistency into devel

With the existing mechanism, we had hostPath volume hard-coded into FST, MGM and QDB Statefulset templates (which is not required). With this PR, the existing hard-coded mechanism is replaced with configurable Persistent Volume Claims for the statefulsets.

The persistency can be set by setting the persistence.enabled flag:

  • When set to globally true - persistency for all stateful EOS components i.e. QDB, MGM and FST would be enabled and the statefulsets would use PV/PVCs for storage.
  • When set to globally false - persistency for all stateful EOS components i.e. QDB, MGM and FST would be disabled and the statefulsets would use emptyDir
  • One can also set the local persistence.enabled flag to set persistence individually for each component.

The above mechanism is done after taking inspiration from the upstream MariaDB charts.

Tested on Minikube with the standard minikube storageClass (minikube-hostpath - which provisions hostPath PVs dynamically for the sts to use).

Signed-off-by: jimil749

Edited by Jimil Desai

Merge request reports