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use fsGroup in MGM, reduce init container

Ryan Taylor requested to merge use-fsgroup into devel

For now this is an incremental improvement that removes one initContainer for the MGM. It combines all mkdir operations in one container that runs with runAsUser: 2 (thus creating the required subdirs with the right user ownership), and sets fsGroup: 2 for the MGM pod (thus ensuring that the group of files in mounted volumes is correct). This also removes the need for any chowning, which also speeds up MGM startup.

I compared the ownership of all files in the /var/eos and /var/log/eos volumes before and after. The only difference is that some files or directories which were (accidentally?) created with root:daemon ownership are now daemon:daemon. This fixes a small possible risk that the unprivileged daemon might not be able to write to a location where it should.

I think this is as much as can be (easily) done for #83 for now, and it will either help or be required for !47 (closed)

Edited by Ryan Taylor

Merge request reports