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LHCb / Boole
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThis project contains classes and configuration for the LHCb digitization programme Boole. Documentation can be found at http://cern.ch/lhcbdoc/boole/
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Prototype for a RDataFrame-based rewrite of the plotting part of CMGTools
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LHCb / DaVinci
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterLHCb offline physics analysis software main project.
The documentation for run 3 is at https://lhcb-davinci.docs.cern.ch/
Release notes and links to all documentation, including that for legacy data, is at http://cern.ch/lhcbdoc/davinci/.
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LHCb / Detector
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterDescription of the LHCb Upgrade detector using the DD4hep framework
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An AthAnalysis framework, focusing on physics analysis combining runs 2 and 3
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EvtGen / EvtGen
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterMirror of the EvtGen repo hosted on HepForge
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atlas-amglab / FastFrames
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
Gaudi / Gaudi
OtherThe Gaudi project is an open project for providing the necessary interfaces and services for building HEP experiment frameworks in the domain of event data processing applications. The Gaudi framework is experiment independent.
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LHCb / Gauss
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThis repository hosts the simulation software of the LHCb experiment.
Documentation can be found at https://lhcb-gauss.docs.cern.ch/master/ and for Sim10 at http://cern.ch/lhcbdoc/gauss/
A JIRA connected project is available at https://its.cern.ch/jira/projects/LHCBGAUSS
For general information on Simulation refer to https://lhcb-simulation.web.cern.ch/index.html
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Gaussino / Gaussino
OtherGaussino is a project to provide an experiment-independent core software simulation framework. It can be used as the core project experiment specific projects, e.g. Gauss in the LHCb experiment, or in a standalone mode.
It is based on the Gaudi data processing framework and the Geant4 toolkit. It provides a structure to plugin a variety of generators via a set of interfaces. An adaptor to Pythia 8 is available for use and as example.
For further details refer to https://gaussino.docs.cern.ch/
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HepMC / HepMC3
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LHCb / Lbcom
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThis project is built on top of the Gaudi and LHCb projects. It contains components shared by Boole and one or more other applications (Brunel, DaVinci, Moore etc.). See documentation at http://cern.ch/lhcbdoc/lbcom/