Handlers for the new UT - Online Data Monitoring conditions 1 of 3 checklist items completed!703
Draft: Adding RMS-R3 geometry in the Detector 0 of 3 checklist items completed!699
Draft: Merge senjuti_codexB into master 0 of 3 checklist items completed!692
Draft: optimize UP c++ code 0 of 3 checklist items completed
Draft: Implementation of the concentric layout with square shape chips. 0 of 6 checklist items completed
Draft: RICH : Updating default values of gas pressure and temperature 0 of 3 checklist items completed!682
Draft: Rich c++ clean up: remove unnecessary DECLARE_DETELEMENT 1 of 3 checklist items completed
introduce a tool to check the duplicated definitaion 0 of 3 checklist items completed!677
Add conditions & API for momentum scaling 0 of 3 checklist items completed!675
Draft: New downstream triplet tracking algorithm 0 of 3 checklist items completed
Draft: Add sensitiveVolumeID function in DeIOV 0 of 3 checklist items completed!664
Draft: Updates to MP geometry 0 of 3 checklist items completed!663
Draft: Update xml of FT to eventually work with FTVolumeID class(to be added) 0 of 4 checklist items completed!661
Draft: Add SciFi timing 0 of 3 checklist items completed!659
Draft: more realistic Element of tiles in the stack 0 of 3 checklist items completed
Draft: Implementation iris-like foil 0 of 3 checklist items completed
Make some sections of the corrugated foil thinner 0 of 3 checklist items completed!648
Draft: UII Conservative Readout Implementation 0 of 3 checklist items completed