Eric Torrence authoredEric Torrence authored
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ClockReconstructionTool.cxx 5.23 KiB
Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the FASER collaboration
* @file ClockReconstructionTool.cxx
* Implementation file for the ClockReconstructionTool.cxx
* @ author E. Torrence, 2021
#include "ClockReconstructionTool.h"
#include "TVirtualFFT.h"
#include <vector>
// Constructor
ClockReconstructionTool::ClockReconstructionTool(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, const IInterface* parent) :
base_class(type, name, parent)
// Initialization
ClockReconstructionTool::initialize() {
ATH_MSG_INFO( name() << "::initalize()" );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Reconstruction step
ClockReconstructionTool::reconstruct(const ScintWaveform& raw_wave,
xAOD::WaveformClock* clockdata) const {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Clock reconstruct called ");
// Check the output object
if (!clockdata) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("WaveformClock passed to reconstruct() is null!");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Invalid value until we know we are OK
// Can we determine the actual BCID we triggered in?
//ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Trigger time: " << raw_wave.trigger_time_tag());
// Digitized clock data, sampled at 500 MHz (2 ns)
auto counts = raw_wave.adc_counts();
// Check that we have some minimal amount of data to work with
if (int(counts.size()) <= m_minimumSamples.value()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Found clock waveform with length " << counts.size() << "! Not enough data to continue!");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Need a double array for FFT
int N = counts.size();
std::vector<double> wave(N);
wave.assign(counts.begin(), counts.end());
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Created double array with length " << wave.size() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("First 10 elements:");
for (int i=0; i < std::min(10, N); i++)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" " << i << " " << wave[i]);
// delta_nu = 1/T where T is the total waveform length
// Multiplying (freqmult * i) gives the frequency of point i in the FFT
double freqmult = 1./(0.002 * N); // 2ns per point, so this is in MHz
TVirtualFFT *fftr2c = TVirtualFFT::FFT(1, &N, "R2C");
// Get the coefficients
std::vector<double> re_full(N);
std::vector<double> im_full(N);
std::vector<double> magnitude(N/2);
// Normalize the magnitude (just using the positive complex frequencies)
unsigned int i=0;
magnitude[i] = sqrt(pow(re_full[i], 2) + pow(im_full[i], 2))/N;
for(i=1; i<magnitude.size(); i++)
magnitude[i] = 2*sqrt(pow(re_full[i], 2) + pow(im_full[i], 2))/N;
// First, look at the DC offset
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("DC offset: " << magnitude[0]);
// Second, find max value (should be primary line at 40 MHz
unsigned int imax = max_element(magnitude.begin()+1, magnitude.end()) - magnitude.begin();
if (((int(imax)-1) < 0) || ((imax+1) >= magnitude.size())) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Found maximum frequency amplitude at postion " << imax << "!");
} else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Magnitude array at peak:");
for(i = imax-1; i <= imax+1; i++)
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Index: " << i << " Freq: " << i*freqmult << " Mag: " << magnitude[i]);
// Store results
clockdata->set_frequency(imax * freqmult);
clockdata->set_phase(atan2(im_full[imax], re_full[imax]));
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Before correcting for finite resolution:");
// Correct for the windowing to find the exact peak frequency
// Following: https://indico.cern.ch/event/132526/contributions/128902/attachments/99707/142376/Meeting1-06-11_FFT_corrections_for_tune_measurements.pdf
double dm; // Fraction of integer frequency where real peak sits
if (magnitude[imax+1] >= magnitude[imax-1]) { // Past ipeak by dm
dm = magnitude[imax+1] / (magnitude[imax] + magnitude[imax + 1]);
} else { // Before ipeak by dm
dm = -magnitude[imax-1] / (magnitude[imax-1] + magnitude[imax]);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Found shift in frequency index: " << dm);
// Improved values
double phase = atan2(im_full[imax], re_full[imax]) - dm * M_PI;
// Fix any overflows
if (phase < M_PI) phase += (2*M_PI);
if (phase > M_PI) phase -= (2*M_PI);
clockdata->set_frequency( (imax+dm) * freqmult );
clockdata->set_phase (phase);
clockdata->set_amplitude( 2*M_PI*dm*magnitude[imax] / sin(M_PI * dm) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("After correcting for finite resolution:");
delete fftr2c;
if (m_checkResult) checkResult(raw_wave, clockdata);
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ClockReconstructionTool::checkResult(const ScintWaveform& raw_wave,
xAOD::WaveformClock* clockdata) const {
// Go through each element in raw_wave and make sure time in clockdata matches
float time;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<raw_wave.adc_counts().size(); i++) {
time = 2.*i; // Time in ns
float dt = clockdata->time_from_clock(time);
// Is raw_wave HI or LO?
bool hi = raw_wave.adc_counts()[i] > clockdata->dc_offset();
// Check for mismatch
if (((dt < 12.5) && !hi) || ((dt > 12.5) && hi) )
ATH_MSG_WARNING("Clock Time:" << time << " dt:" << dt << " found" << hi);